II : Glowing Mark

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"You're ready"

"Come back to us"

"Face your destiny Marinette"




Marinette sat up from her bed being awaken for the fourth time that week

So many voices had been keeping her up, they always seemed to shout the same thing though


"What do I have to do with the Moon? Am I a wolf or something?"

She then looked around the room to see her friends sleeping peacefully

"That's just ridiculous Marinette, fairytales aren't real" She said before closing her eyes to rest once more

Thankfully she wasn't woken up anymore during that night

The next morning Alya who was brushing her hair noticed Marinette waking up and talked to her "You know girl I've been noticing that you haven't been able to sleep well these past few days, something wrong?"

Marinette yawned and stretched her arms before answering "I've been so many voices in my head"

"Voices? What were they saying"

"Something about facing my destiny as well as them repeatedly chanting the words Moon"


"I know right? Totally bizarre!"

"No no no"


Alya then pulled out a book she hid under her bed, the cover looked like it had a castle on it

"Alya what the...A book? Why have you been hiding that? No one likes reading like you do no one's ever gonna steal that"

"It's not that Marinette, do you think...You can elaborate on your dreams more?"

"Your scaring me Alya...I know you want to be a journalist but your kinda creeping me out"

"I want to help you Marinette, plus. I might know something"

"Why does the book cover have a castle? Is that a fairytale book?"

"Fairytale to others but I have reason to believe it's real!"

"Well then I'm all ears!"

Alya then grabbed a pen and paper and placed it beside her book ready to document anything Marinette had to say

"Now according to this book a long time ago there were many kingdoms hidden in a special part of each village. You would only be able to enter if you are lucky enough or if you were chosen"


"Well it's a hidden kingdom after all, kingdoms are always full of beauty and riches. Not everyone can enter by anyone could exit"

"So your saying that our village could have a hidden kingdom as well?"

"Mmhm, there are many kingdoms in different parts of our world but the most popular ones are the Kingdom of Sun and the Kingdom of Moon"


Alya flipped her book to page 68 with a Chapter entitled 'Glowing Marks'

"Marinette, did you see anyone or anything in your dream?"

"Aside from the voices?"

"Yeah, I need more information to strengthen a theory I might have"

"Sheesh I just told you I had a dream about voices chanting the word moon and you've gone full geek on me!"

"I can't help it, who knows I might discover something! Now tell me about your dreams"

"I really don't remember much except...Voices voices...A mark, on each and everyone of them"

"Were the marks glowing?"

"They were! I don't remember much but I do know they had odd clothing"

"Eeeee!" Alya squealed as she started jumping up and down

"What's gotten into you?"

She cleared up her throat "I might have reason to believe that you-"

"Alya I have reason to believe that you two will get in trouble with Sister Mandeleev if you don't stop chatting" Lila said entering the room

Alya immediately hid her book under her bed and stood up infront of Mandy who had stopped at her bed "You told us the news already, is there something else your waiting for?"

Lila took a good look at both at the both of them before rolling her eyes and leaving the room

Marinette tied her hair in a ponytail and stood up "We should leave now, we're going to get in trouble"

"We'll continue this conversation later!"

"See ya later Alya!"

"See ya!"

What was she going to tell me? Why am I suddenly so nervous?

Marinette exited the Orphanage to see Zoe running after Sabrina when she fell down

She immediately ran to her and knelt down

"Zoe! Are you okay?" Marinette asked worriedly before examining Zoe

"I think I might've twisted and bruised my ankle...It hurts"

"May I see?"

"Go ahead"

She searched her leg for an injury "Let me grab something to clean it off,you think you can stand?"

Zoe tried standing but fell down on the grass

"Pfft look at you Zoe, it's your fault that you didn't look where you were going" Lila said before walking away

"That wasn't nice Lila! Don't listen to her Zoe, you okay?"

"Y-yeah I am, it kinda hurts to stand though"

"You didn't deserve to be made fun of by Lila" Marinette then placed her hand on Zoe's bruise and a small glowing white light appeared and-



"I-I don't know..."

"Are you a wizard or something?"

"That's impossible! Wizards don't exist, maybe just gifted? Ugh I don't even wanna know"

"Maybe there's just many things about your past we didn't know"

"L-let's just keep this to ourselves please? I don't word to spread out"

"You know you can trust me" Zoe said with a smile before standing up and spinning around "Look at me I'm all healed!"

Marinette giggled before smiling at Zoe "I gotta get to feeding animals, see you later?"

"See you Marinette!"

Marinette walked away rubbing her shoulder "What happened back there Marinette? You healed Zoe with...magic? That's impossible, this can't be real right?

Please tell me it's not real..."

Nothing glowed though, right?

Suddenly a white light started glowing out of...

"My thigh? What the..." She lifted her skirt to see that on her left thigh was a mark

"A crown? It can't be..."

Marinette then heard a noise come from the bushes and decided to walk closer to investigate

And without another breath she was pulled in

Sun and Moon || Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction (HIATUS?)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon