V : Prince Adrien

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Walking past the big trees and thick bushes the two finally made their way to the Kingdom of Sun

"Woahh....Luna this place is huge!" Marinette awed in shock

"Well Marinette, this is a kingdom after. You don't expect it to be shabby or little do you?"

"T-this is a kingdom?"

"Mmhm, and you'll be staying with me"

Marinette looked around and saw a sun shaped logo "S-sun? Are we in the Kingdom of Sun?"

"Right you are!"

"A-are we even allowed here?"

"I serve the royals here, you'll be just fine as long as you stick with me!"

She then led Marinette into a small side of the castle where her room was located

The two entered and Marinette sat down while Luna poured water from a pitcher

Approaching her with the cup she asked "Thirsty?"

Marinette nodded and happily accepted drinking it "Thanks Luna"

She looked around the humble space Luna looks to call her place in the castle

"Y-you live here?"

"Everyone does! Everyone has their own space in the castle and soon you will have one too"

"Can't I just stay with you?"

"If you need me I'll just be a moment away, you'll be fine Marinette trust me!"

"I'm a bit scared about this me learning magic to bring back the Kingdom of Moon, I only have my powers. I haven't met any of my relatives, would I be able to do this on my own?"

"You're never alone Marinette! You have me"

"It's just not the same...I just wish I could've met my parents you know?"

Luna fiddled with a necklace she had worn and took it off and placed it on Marinette's neck

"A moon?" She asked

She hummed while wearing the necklace on her "It was one of the only things your parents had left"

"T-then why are you giving it to me?"

"Because it's rightfully yours"


"It's a moon charm, it will help you as you learn how to control your magic"

"Thank you for your kindness Luna"

"No problem!"

She looked outside to see that it had become dark

"Hey Luna...Do you think I can walk for a bit outside?"

"Won't you get lost?"

"Don't worry I won't wonder far, I just want to go to the garden"

"Guess it's a good chance for you to see atleast a little bit of the castle, well go on!"

She nodded and went outside to inhale the fresh air and made her way to the garden

Roses, dandelions, lilies, all such pretty and fragrant flowers she thought to herself

She knelt down to pick up a rose when suddenly...

She saw a shadow appear behind her and she turned around

It was a boy, of royalty

This must be the prince she thought to herself

"What are you doing here?" The man asked

She immediately stood up putting the rose behind her back

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to wander here"

"Are you one of the bandits?" He said as he put out his sword

"Woah woah calm down! I'm not here to hurt you I just wanted to look at the flowers"

The man observed her clothing as well as the piece of jewelry she had on her neck

"I-it's you..." He silently said

"It's me?"

"Are you the girl Luna brought back?"

"T-to save the Kingdom of Moon yes I am"

He placed his sword back in the scabbard tied to his waist and placed an arm infront of him bowing

"Apologies for my behavior earlier, welcome to the Kingdom of Sun my name is Prince Adrien, heir to the throne"

Marinette did a curtsy "A pleasure to meet you your highness, my name is Marinette from the village"


So it is her...

Luna found her

"Would you like to follow me to a room we have prepared for you?"

"B-but Luna was expecting me-"

"Don't worry about me" Luna said appearing out of nowhere

"Luna!? How did you get here so fast?"

"Just follow the prince Marinette, he'll bring you to your room"

"O-of course"

"Follow me" He whispered in her ear and started walking

She gulped nervously but still followed him

I haven't been without Luna ever since I entered the castle

I'll be just fine right?


After a few minutes of silence the two had made their way into Marinette's room

"Wow...This is bigger than the room I shared with the other orphans!"

"Well we offer the best for you Lady Marinette, we really grief for the lost of the Kingdom of Moon and we'll do anything to bring it back"

"Y-you are too kind sire, thank you so much for your hospitality"

He bowed once more "I'll be going off now but if incase you need help feel free to alert the maids or me. Luna is also still in the other wing near you so that you won't feel alone"

"Once again thank you so much for everything Prince Adrien, I really appreciate the warm welcome"

"Goodnight Lady Marinette"

"Goodnight sire"

She then entered the room and immediately laid on the soft mattress "I could get used to this!"


Luna knocked before entering Prince Adrien's office

"Prince Adrien, you called for me?"

"That Marinette girl, it's her we're looking for...Right?"


"What did you tell her?"

"She'll be learning how to control her powers to revive her kingdom but she doesn't know why it even died in the first place"

"Does she know that..."

She shook her head "When will you tell her?"

"In due time, for now keep her busy"

"As you wish Prince Adrien"

"And oh Lady Luna"

"Yes sire?"

"You have to tell her what you've been hiding from her"

"When the time is right I will"

"Let's just hope she'll be okay with what we have to put her through"


Don't forget to read Chapter II and III ! I noticed not the average number reads it so please read it so you won't get confused!

Have a good day everyone! :DD

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