VI : Magicks and Sorcery

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"Mariii!~ It's time to wake up" Luna said as she threw Marinette's blanket away

Marinette, who was barely awake, started rubbing her eyes "Luna? Why are you waking me up it's too early"

"It's time for your magic training remember?"

She fully opened her eyes and sat up "Oh my god I forgot it was today!"

"Well then what are we waiting for let's get dressed!"

"I'm not going in what I'm wearing right now?"

"You'll be meeting the royal sorcerer of Sun you have to look presentable!"

"Do you have any clothes in mind?"

Luna whistled and 3 maids came in each holding something different, a dress, a hair curler, and shoes

This is gonna be a long day

"Umm Luna?" Marinette said as a maid was brushing her hair

"What's up?" Luna asked as she sat on Marinette's bed

"I know I'm not an expert but this doesn't look like something a sorcerer would wear"

"Well we don't really have any sorcerer outfits so we figured a dress would suit you"

"This dress looks like it's fit for royalty, I'm not even a princess! Like how am I supposed to learn spells and stuff with a poofy dress"


"Oh come on Marinette you have to admit it suits you perfectly!"

"Okay fine maybe it is very pretty but I don't know, won't Prince Adrien be bothered that me, a guest, would wear something like this?"

"Don't even worry about that! He's often busy so I'm sure he won't see you, now come on the sorcerer is waiting for you in the garden we have to go now!"

Marinette looked at herself in the mirror for one last time before standing up "Thank you so much girls I love what you've done!"

"Your welcome Lady Marinette!" The three replied

"Well then Luna, lead the way!"


The two made their way to the garden where a man was seated on a chair in the gazebo

The man saw them and stood up to greet them

"Lady Luna! I suppose this is Lady Marinette" The man said

"Good morning Earl! Thanks for volunteering to help her" Luna said

"Of course, anything for the greater good. Shall we begin Lady Marinette?"

"What do I have to do first Earl?" Marinette asked

"I'm gonna leave you two there mmkay?"

"Your leaving?"

"I'm a castle maid, there's something called duties? I'll be back to get you guys some breakfast"

"Ugh I forgot we didn't eat yet"

Earl brought out his wand "Well then, let's get started shall we?"


Earl stood in the middle of the garden followed by Marinette

"Now first of all before I teach you you must know what power your birthmark holds

All royals have the same power, some more than others, but the power they have in common is to heal and to revive"

"Like the dead?"

"Not that kind of revive, here for example" He then placed a dead flower on the ground and whispering a few words the flower became alive

"I also heard my power can help revive the Kingdom of Moon?"

"Ahh yes! That's what we'll work toward in the future, for now you must use your magic to heal this flower" He then brought out another dead flower

"Just like I did to Zoe?"

"Zoe? Who's Zoe?"

"An orphan girl just like myself, she was running around with my friends and slipped down. I went to her to look at the bruise that formed on her leg but when I placed my hand on her leg a tiny white light started glowing and healed it like magic!"

"Well that was what I was going to teach you, but instead now I have a question for you"


"Does this Zoe matter to you a lot?"

"She's one of my friends of course she matters to me. I just want her to be always happy like I want for my other friends"

He closed his fist leaving his index finger out forming a "one" symbol and held his hand to the side of his eye "In order for healing magic to work you must feel the powerful emotion of love. Without it, you won't be able to succeed"

"I know that I have to revive The Kingdom of Moon and this might sound rude but why do I have to revive something that's dead?"

"Without the Kingdom of Moon there wouldn't be any balance, sorcerers like you and your family help the folks and help keep the people alive"

"Will I ever be able to live up to the expectations everyone would have of me like my parents?"

"You're already a kind, sweet, and intelligent girl Lady Marinette. Your already on the right path, if your parents could see what you're doing for them they would be so proud of you"

"T-they would?"

He smiled and nodded his head

This made Marinette jump in joy and focus herself as she tried to revive the flower

"Gasp Earl look I did it!"

"That's step one complete! Ready for the next one?"

"Lay it on me!"

From the distance Adrien and Luna were watching them

"Does she really have to do this?" Luna asked

"We'll need all the help we can get, plus her healing magic could help us" Adrien responded

"I'm just afraid she'll get hurted..."

"People like her were bound to get hurt with the title they're given"

"I suppose you are right..."

"You out of all people should know that Lady Luna"

"O-of course Prince Adrien...

Of course"

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