XI : Half-Hearted Truth

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Marinette batted her eyes "The truth was something you could've told me before announcing to the entire village that we are getting married, you have to tell everyone that the engagement is OFF!"

"Marinette please...Prince Adrien has his reasons" Luna said

"You're siding with him Luna? I thought out of the two of us you'd side with me"

"Please Marinette let's be rational about this"

"Can you please just stop making excuses for him!?" She shouted


She looked at Adrien who looked down ashamed "Was the time we shared together at the village just a facade? Was it a test for you to find out if I'm a worthy suitor? Is this the reason why you wanted me to came on that stroll with you?"

So that I could open up to you and feel vulnerable..."


Marinette stayed silent in disbelief

"Everything we ever talked about...You already forgotten it"

Adrien stepped towards her "Lady Marinette I never meant to deceive you but I really have no choice, I must marry you"

"Is it because of my magic?"

He stayed silent, it was true

That was a reason why he has to marry her

Marinette looked visibly upset but took a deep breath as to not have an outburst "I should've known I wasn't just here to control my new powers, you wanted to marry me to probably have control over my powers.

You are so disgusting

If you asked for my help like a normal person I could've probably helped you with whatever dilemma you could've been facing but you don't have to marry me"

"Lady Marinette I-"

"Why couldn't it just cross your mind that if you politely asked me without involving marriage for help I would've offered to help no worries?"

"I-I had no other choice..."

"Of course you do! You're the heir to the throne, you can literally do anything you want too, and may I just remind you that I have a voice in the matter? I will not stand to not let my voice be heard, I will not marry you and that's final!"

"Princess Marinette please!"


"So now you call me your princess to make me swoon over you? Titles will not make me marry you, you may be as charming and good looking as they say but you're clearly not charming enough to win my heart"

"Marinette please listen to us" Luna begged trying to hold Marinette's arm but she shoved it away

"What else are you keeping from me Luna? That I'm actually a princess?"

"YES!" Luna and Adrien said in unison

This made her freeze


Luna faced her and sighed deeply "Marinette,

You are the long lost daughter of the Kingdom of Moon"

"I refuse to believe this, didn't you say that the royal family of the Kingdom of Moon was gone? How am I supposed to know you aren't lying?"

"Why would I lie to you? I'm your sister after all"


Luna showed her her mark "Luna, my name means the Moon. I am your older sister Marinette"

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