Mr and Ms Jones pt 1

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Guess who's back, back again. Ace is back, tell a friend.

It's been four days since the latest showing of NXt and all was well for the brand expecially for the power couple and 2/3 of the newest faction of the black and gold, Chase and Natalya; personally known as Chase and Natalie. Speaking of the personal side, the past few days have been good to say the least enjoying the downtime between the show has given Chase a idea up his sleeve, or bare arm as seen resting on top of the alarm clock.

With Chase
Chase's hand pulls back from the top of the clock enjoying the silence once more as he hums and rolls out of bed. He walks down the hall passing the pets room on the way where he stopped placing his ear to the door checking for any noises and continues on his way coming to the conclusion that their sleep. He reaches the main bedroom, why wasn't he in there to begin with? That's to be found out. Chase slowly opens the door as not to wake the beauty sleeping inside, yet.

Chase enters the room with a silent march and heads to the bed with his hands behind his back leaning at a 70° angle and he towered over Natalie.

Chase: Natty...Nat...blonde beauty
He said tapping her awake by her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered open and she grew a smile as she reached for his arms and pulled him ontop of her. Natalie wraps her arms around his back and sighs happily.

Natalie: Good morning love, I missed you my little teddy bear~
She gives him a tiny squeeze and Chase clears his throat.

Chase: Little?

Natalie: 5'9 love your height isn't your strong suit.

Chase: ... I'll let that one go

Natalie: You should, because while your height isn't the biggest, your other thing is~
She giggled remembering their latest special time that was after Chase's big win a week and a half ago.

Chase: Ohhh is my Naty hinting at something?
He said with a smirk planting a kiss on her cheek.

Natalie: Only if my love is going to give me that something~
She kisses his cheek back and waits for a response disappointed when Chase lifts himself off the bed.

Chase: Nope we can't.

Natalie: You tease, why?

Chase: Nat, did you not get the idea when I slept in the guest room yesterday?

Natalie: No, I didn't.

Chase: Okay babe, as much as I hate to say this, we can't do anything fun for the next week, maybe two.

Natalie: It's too early for jokes love be serious.

Chase: If I was joking which I'm good doing I would be in bed with you.

Natalie: Ugh, explain

Chase: Okay as you asked so nicely, some people are coming over, people that are very important in my life.

Natalie: Hm, what does that have to do with you not sleeping with me?

Chase: Nat, how often do we have our hands all over each other?

Natalie: 24/7?

Chase: Precisely and do you actually think it's a good idea to let my parents see that?

Natalie: P-Parents?
Her eyes widen and Chase facepalms realizing how dumb that probably came out.

Chase: That came out terrible

Natalie: Ya think? B-but your parents I can't meet them.

Chase: What, why? This is a good thing.

A Hart's Desire Natalya Neidhart x OC Book 1Where stories live. Discover now