Chapter 1: The Chosen One

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The Morphing Grid is the Energy that came from the Big Bang of the Universe. In Many Universe/Timelines Morphing Grid has chosen people who it deems worthy enough to wield the power whether it is used for Good or Evil in the future. It was not Morphing grid influence how a person uses that Power. It is the will of the user itself. Morphing Grid do not take side, if it deems someone worthy enough to protect it, It will chose it. There was a time when a Group of Mystic Ancients Beings Studied the Morphing Grid and were also responsible to create the Guardian Force of Knights to protect the Planets, Terrans and in some cases Galaxies from Evil Threat who wanted to use morphing Grid for their Evil intention.

But there was a time when even Morphing choose the person with Right Heart but his heart become corrupted with evil influence. The said Warrior was none other than Lord Drakkon Itself. Who now wields the power of the Green and White Ranger Coins in Fusion state. He wanted to now rule the other Worlds where Rangers Do not Exist and Destroy where Rangers oppose him. But the Grid in other timelines started to shatter and because of that he invaded and concurred their worlds. During this he stole many rangers power and added to his own. Seeing that Lord Drakkon is going to become a threat, Morphing Masters who studied Morphing Grid, the same Ancient Beings who created Mystical Artifacts for the Power Rangers were afraid the a Universe where there is No Ranger because of Grid Destabilization in this world planet earth in the past, when Morphing Master repaired it and left this planet, Morphing Grid took a change in its Nature and Granted few peoples the Meta Abilities which Morphing Grid can give to a Chosen Person. Thus resulted in the Genetic change in the Human DNA. Even though they stayed Human, They gained Meta Abilities known as Quirk. But this change in DNA got worse and it filled Earth with Chaos. Morphing Master do not Interfere because the Grid was now Stable and it was not their Deal to Intervene unless a force capable of Destroying lives on planets came.

Morphing Master Stayed Neutral to any living Civilization. Because they were once a living beings too who gained Near Immortality wanted to take action when Morphing Grid Chose only a Single person in the Said planet Earth. This was the Same Planet Where Izuku Midoriya lived as a quirk less. Among the 95% people who were filled with Quirks, he is one the remaining alive 5% who lived on this planet. He wanted to be Hero but cannot because he was not born with any Quirk.

All the Morphing Master observed his past and was now observing his current self as this was the only person who was chosen by the Grid Itself. Morphing Grid requested them to observe and give him the Ranger Powers to past Rangers to Him. But Morphing Master who realized that a Morpher will give people a suspicious look at him and others might eventually has a chance to stole it from him, so they changed it in the form of Energy and then they took the Energy with them waiting for the opportunity to talk to him and warn him about the upcoming threat.

It was at that Roof that Izuku Dreams were shattered by his idol who he admired all the time. He said he cannot become a Hero without a Quirk without giving it a single thought that the boy was looking for a hope. When he left and Izuku was left alone thinking about how he should live his life from now onwards. He was at the Dabogah Beach when he felt like time had been stopped. It was then he notice that Six Beings came through a portal carrying a Energy Sphere with them.

Izuku: Another Villain trying to kill me?

Gold Morphing Master: We are not Villains you are thinking according to your Earth Norms, Izuku Midoriya. We are called Morphing Master, we are Beings who study Morphing Grid and Observe the Action of Power Rangers in every timeline.

Izuku: Power What? What are you guys talking about?

Pink Morphing Master: We are here to choose you and tell you that Morphing Grid has chosen you to become a Power Ranger for this Planet and protect it from upcoming threat.

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