Part 21

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Liam looked at you like you were mental. He stood up from the couch and took his hands through his hair like he does when he is upset or confused.

Liam: No, no way!

Steph: Liam ..

Liam: NO! I'm not letting you go see that creep!

Steph: He won’t hurt me!

Liam: How do you know that? Maybe he will!

Steph: He is behind a freaking glass wall, there’s no way he will be able to reach me!

Liam: I said no!

You took a deep breath and stood up on one foot since your other foot still hurt. You took your hand on Liams shoulder to support yourself. You looked into his eyes and he just shook his head.

Steph: it’s either that, or we won’t be able to be together…

He looked at you and sighed, took his hands around your waist and smiled a weak smile.

Liam: Fine, you can go. But only because I love you and I want to be with you. And I'm coming with you.

Steph: You sure?

Liam: No… but I want nothing more than to be with you so.

You smiled and leaned in to his lips. He laughed and kissed you.

Steph: I love that laugh, promise me to never stop laughing Liam.

Liam: Aslong as I'm with you, I don’t think that’s possible.

You and Liam spent the rest of the day inside in the couch with a bowl of popcorn and soda.

The next morning you woke up in your bed by Liam falling over on the floor in the bedroom. You sat up and looked at him then started laughing like crazy. Liam just looked at you, stood up and then jumped on to the bed and pushed you back down, straddling you. He took your hands over your head and you stopped laughing, he smirked at you.

Liam: It wasn’t fun.

Steph: it was a bit funny…

Liam: how would you feel If I laughed at you?

Steph: Like you never do hu!

Liam: You are right.

Steph: Exactly, now kiss me…

He smiled, leaned down and gave you a quick kiss.

Steph: Oh really?

Liam: how’s the foot?

Steph: It’s alright, don’t think I will be able to walk though.

Liam: Okay, I’ll pack your bag for you.

Steph: No! I can do that myself… You go make breakfast or something.

Liam: Okay…

He kissed you once again then went out of the room. You jumped around in the room on one foot, packing your bag. You put down a new years eve dress and some other nice clothes, then you got dressed in this: and then limped your way out to the stairs.


Liam: YEEES!

He stood downstairs and looked up at you, he just smirked and laughed a bit.

Steph: Hi, I need help.

Liam: with what?

He walked up and took your bags, you smiled and walked downstairs while supporting yourself on the handle.

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