Part 23

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Everyone was outside in the garden now. The lads were running around lighting the fireworks. You and the girls was sitting on the chairs with your coats around yourself, with a glass of champagne in your hands and looking at the lads.

it was 2 minutes before the new year and you looked at Liam, he looked so happy running around with the other lads and you can’t remember seeing him that happy before.

Suddenly you felt someone push you slightly, you looked up and saw Rachel.

Rachel: Snap back to reality?

Steph: Excuse me?

Rachel: I can see how you look at him…

You were confused.

Steph: Who? Liam?

Rachel: No, Harry you weirdo!

Suddenly all the girls looked at you but somehow the only one you noticed was Danielle. She looked at you quickly then turned back again.

You shook your head and looked back at Rachel.

Steph: Im not looking at him.

Rachel: Come on, everyone can see it. Even he can!

Steph: Oh get over yourself. I’ve already been down that road and im not going back babe.

You stood up and left, walked inside to take another glass of champagne but you didn’t feel like going back out, suddenly you heard all the fireworks starting to blow up and you took a deep breath and turned around to go out when you saw Liam stand there.

Steph: oh hi..

Liam: Hey, coming with me?

Steph: Yeah I was just getting another drink.

he smiled and took your hand, you walked back out and everyone was kissing everyone. Not like, making out though, just small pecks on the lips. Liam took you closer, looked at your lips and then kissed you sweetly. You smiled and kissed him back, his lips no yours made you weak in the knees. You both pulled away after a while and he wrapped his arms around your waist and you stood there together, watching the fireworks.

You looked around on the others and they all looked really happy. Carrie was standing with Lucas, big surprise there… but they weren’t doing anything, she looked at you and you decided to walk over to her.

Steph: Li, im just gonna talk to Carrie for a sec.

Liam: Okay baby.

He let go of you and you walked over to her, she looked kind of scared so you smiled and pulled in her for a hug.

Steph: Happy new year babe.

Carrie: Happy New Year.

Steph: You alright? You seem a bit down.

Carrie: No im fine…

Steph: So, anyone here you want to kiss tonight?

You winked at her and she laughed an adorable laugh. You leaned in and whispered in her ear.

Steph: Kiss him already, he wants it!

She looked at you confused and you gestured to Lucas.

Carrie: But… how?

Steph: I have ears you know.

She smiled and kissed you on the cheek, went over to Lucas and took his hands, stood on her toes and kissed him. He kissed her back very passionately and then when they pulled out, Lucas looked at you. You smiled at him and he smiled back.

You went back to Liam who took his arms around you again, kissed your cheek and then looked at the fireworks who was still going on.

Liam: Happy new year love, let’s make this year the best ever yeah?

Steph: yeah.

You smiled and kissed him once more.

Around 2.30 everyone decided that it was time to go to the rooms.

Harry: Have a nice sleep everyone, I know I will.

Louis: Night lads.

Carrie: Goodnight!

Liam: You coming Steph?

Steph: oh.. no I just have to clean up a bit before I go to bed. I’ll be up in like 5 minutes.

Liam: You want help cleaning up?

Steph: No I can handle it.

Liam: Promise?

Steph: Promise.

He kissed you then left. Everyone had gone up to their rooms and you were putting stuff into the dishwasher. After a while, you heard someone behind you so you turned around and saw Danielle stand there in this: just looking at you.

Steph: You need something?

She smiled and walked over to the cabinet to take down a glass. As she reached for it, the robe slid up and you looked away. She looked at you and laughed.

Danielle: It’s not like you haven’t seen me before.

Steph: No, I just see you in a different way now.

She went over to you and came really close, you just realized that you were standing infront of the sink and she leaned over, took some water then went back and looked at you.

Danielle: And how do you see me now?

You pushed her away lightly so you could walk away but she grabbed your arm, you turned around and looked into her eyes.

Danielle: Are you ever gonna let it go?

You looked at her and she looked so innocent, you would have never thought she would make a move but she did and now it was your turn. You wanted nothing else than to fuck her right there in the kitchen, making her scream your name so loudly and make her cum over and over again… but instead, you pulled your arm back and walked out of the kitchen and back up to Liam.

When you came into the room, it was dark and all you could see was that Liam was in bed. You turned on the small lamp on the desk and it lighted up the whole room. Liam groaned and turned in bed then sat up and looked at you.

Steph: Just gonna change, go back to sleep.

Liam: hurry up baby.

You smiled and went into the bathroom. As you got undressed, you looked in the mirror and felt a big regret over all the food you had eaten today. You took off your bra and went out to Liam again, but first you turned off the light on the desk.

As you snuggled yourself down in the bed, Liam wrapped his arms around you and put his face in your neck, he started kissing your and his hands went down to your underwear. You took his hand away but he didn’t take the hint, instead he continued and took his hand back again. You turned around and pushed him away a bit, he looked at you.

Steph: Not tonight.

Liam: Why not?

Steph: Just…

Liam: Did I do something?

Steph: Im tired Liam. I just want to sleep and get this night over with, go back home and get to work again.

Liam: Alright, sorry.

He smiled and told you to turn around. You did and he wrapped his arms around you again.

Liam: Let’s just cuddle then.

he kissed your neck again and you smiled. There was no way you were ever letting go of him. Right?

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