Part 29

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When you a couple of hours later arrived in the UK, Heathrow was filled with people. It was 8 o’clock at night and it was no big surprise that there was many people there really. You just put on your sunglasses and walked pass them, ignoring the questions about what you were doing in Venice with one of your dancers and so on. You got outside and were just about to jump into a cab when a limo pulled up and made the taxi drive away. You were tired and frustrated about being back in the cold grey England again so you sighed and the back window of the limo rolled down. You recognized the face that looked at you with a smirk in his face. The driver went out and took your bags as you jumped into the backseat.

Steph: Hello Simon.

Simon: Miss Carson. Glad you could come back that fast.

Steph: Sure.

You didn’t even look at him but you saw that he had some papers in his hand.

Steph: What are those?

Simon: The new contract.

Steph: No I already signed that other one.

Simon: Yes you did, but there was no one there to see that and when I thought about it, the whole deal was a bit silly.

Steph: What do you mean?

Simon: Well, let’s take this over dinner yeah?

You looked at him and he smiled, you rolled your eyes at him.

Steph: Sure, aslong as I can get home and change first.

Simon: No problem, we will be there in 5 minutes.

Steph: Great…

And right he was, after 5 minutes you were outside of your house. The driver helped you with your bags inside and then he walked back to the car. You went up to your room, the house looked clean and you could smell soap, it seemed like someone had cleaned it and it wasn’t you… You walked up the big white stairs and over to your bedroom door. When you opened the door, the bedroom was cleaned as well. There was no clothes on the floor, new white sheets on the bed and your wardrobe looked like Martha Stewart herself had cleaned it up. You had no idea who had cleaned it but you didn’t complain, instead you opened the big wardrobe and took out a dress, a pair of stay-ups, heels and a jacket. You ended up looking like this:

you looked out the window to see that Simon was still waiting, some part of you had hoped that he left but no, no such luck.

You went back down and into the car. Simon looked at you and smiled.

Simon: You look stunning.

Steph: Sure, shall we get this over with?

Simon: Yes. Which restaurant do you prefer?

Steph: Are you paying?

Simon: Of course.

Steph: Then a really expensive one.

he laughed and nodded then told the driver to drive to a restaurant called “The shack” , you had never heard of it before but you trusted Simon with the choice of food…

When you arrived at the restaurant, it looked amazing! Almost like one of those places you only see in the movies. It looked like this; and the guy by the door saw your car arrive, he opened the door and helped you out. You thanked him and looked at the lights around the entrance. Simon walked up next to you and smiled.

Simon: You said expensive right?

Steph: Why didn’t I know this place existed?!

Simon: You can’t know everything Miss. Ready to go in?

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