Part 30

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And there it was, the sound that used to give you chills on school days, the sound that could ruin a perfectly amazing dream, the sound that nobody actually liked, The 7am alarm clock…

But today, you didn’t feel bad when you heard that sound that was so familiar to you. Instead you felt pleasure and calmness. You sat up in your bed and looked to your right side, he was still there, still asleep. You smiled and leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. A smile spread across his face as he slowly opened his eyes and looked at you.

Liam: Good morning beautiful.

Steph: yeah it’s a good morning.

Liam: What time is it?

Steph: 7am, im going to work but you can stay if you like.

He looked at you and his smile faded.

Liam: Would you like me to stay?

Steph: I would love it if you stayed, I would love it even more if you were here when I got back.

Liam: Then I will.

You smiled and kissed him again, he took his hand on your waist to keep you down in bed and you started laughing.

Steph: I have to get dressed!

Liam: 5 more minutes, please?

He pouted his lips and did that totally adorable wink with his eyes; you shook your head and lay down again, facing him this time. He kissed your lips and you just lay there for a while, kissing and holding each other. Suddenly, Liam pulled away and looked at you.

Liam: Work?

Steph: Yeah..?

Liam: Work as in what?

Steph: Recording. Why?

Liam: I didn’t know you had started again.

Steph: It got decided yesterday.

Liam: You just called the recording studio and said that you were coming in today?

Steph: No I didn’t. Are we gonna start fighting about me going back to work because I know that you signed some papers a couple of days ago, or am I wrong?

He looked at you and shook his head.

Liam: No you’re right. But will we go through all of that shit again with Simon about us breaking all contact and shit?

Steph: We signed the same contract Liam, you know what it said.

Liam: Yeah that’s why im asking, will we break all our contact or not?

You got frustrated that he even asked that, couldn’t he just have let it be this morning? It was far too early for this! You let go of him and got out of bed, walking over to your closet and took out some clothes to wear.

Liam: You gonna answer me?

Steph: No.

Liam: No as in we won’t break contact or you won’t answer me?

Steph: No as in I won’t answer you on that. It’s too early.

Liam: Fine.

Steph: Fine.

He groaned and took the covers over his head again, you rolled your eyes and went into the bathroom and got dressed in this: then walked out again, took some perfume and walked over to the bedroom door.

Liam: Steph?

Steph: No I don’t wanna talk to you right now, I want to start this day in a good way so please just shut up!

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