part 27

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You woke up by someone stroking your hair from your eyes, you opened your eyes and closed them as quickly again because of the light shining in to your room. Harry laughed and you heard him roll off bed.

Harry: Rise and shine honeycakes, we are going out for breakfast.

You groaned and took your cover over your face, covering yourself up. Harry laughed again and then it got quiet, you figured he had left the room and you got more comfortable in bed again, preparing to fall back to sleep when suddenly, he dragged your cover off you and started laughing again.


Harry: Get your ass out of bed, I'm not asking again.

Steph: nooo I wanna sleep in, you kept me awake half the night.

Harry: Bullshit, I did not!

you took your pillow over your head and groaned again. Then you felt Harry’s fingers creep up your thigh. You smiled and took away the pillow to look at him. He was smirking at you.

Harry: I told you, I'm not asking nicely again…

You just looked at him and before you managed to react, he had pulled you out of bed, thrown you over his shoulder and was walking into the shower. You laughed and hit him on his back but he didn’t give in.

Harry: We are going out for breakfast but you’re taking a shower first.

He put you down inside the shower and looked at you with a face saying “go on”.

Steph: You wanna help me get undressed?

Harry: I do, but I'm not going to.

Steph: don’t be such a pussy Styles, it’s not like you haven’t seen… oh wait you haven’t!

Harry: Shut up, take your shower.

Steph: You want to see?

He laughed and walked out of the bathroom. You screamed after him.

Steph: aren’t you taking a shower Styles?!

Harry: Yes but not with you!

You sighed and took of your clothes then started the shower. After you were done, you went out and got dressed in this: then went to the kitchen and jumped up on the kitchen bench. You took an apple and just as you were about to take the first bite, Harry came into the room and took the apple from you, took your waist and carried you down from the bench.

Harry: Ready to go?

Steph: Where we going?

Harry: I told you, breakfast.

Steph: okay, where?

Harry: You’ll see…

He looked mischievous and you just shook your head and went out to the car with him. As he started the car, you started the radio.

Steph: So Mr Styles, I want to thank you for coming to my rescue last night…

Harry: Yeah no problem, we’re friends and we are here for each other, right?

Steph: Right. I owe you, big time.

He smiled and nodded.

Harry: I kind of hoped you would say that…

Steph: Oh why’s that?

Harry: I need a favor today, now.

Steph: okay what can I do for you?

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