Four- Great news

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I woke up earlier than Minari .. she's still snoring .. it's been a month since we learned that she's pregnant and good thing nothing strange things happened in the first month of her pregnancy well minus the fact that she wants me to always rub her tummy while laying down to sleep and I literally love doing that even if it means I will get lack of sleep .. it's fine with me what's important is it'll make her comfortable . That's what matters the most . I'm cooking our breakfast now pasta with pancakes and hot choco will do . Though we have our housekeepers here .. we don't rely much on them .. I'm good at cooking as well as Minari  ( she's not that good but can pass as a wife . Hahaha . My bad ) our housekeepers are kinda busy too so we don't want to burden them with our food . That's how we love them.  They do the cooking whenever we'll host a party .. that's all . After setting the table I hurriedly went to our room . My mouth agape .. Minari still sleeping while snoring loud . She's really pregnant . I smirked then shook .  I walked towards the bed .. I sat down then kissed her forehead .

' Minari .. Wake up .. we'll be late ' I said yeah we have work today .. and I can't believe that she's still sleeping like a baby . If this is just a normal morning she'll wake up 1 hour before 8 .. but she's changing a lot now . Hahahaha . Perks of being pregnant right ? Minari shifted a little .

' I want to sleep more chae .. ' she said without opening her eyes . I smiled though she won't able to see it .

' okay .. but can you eat first then you can go back to sleep again after you take your breakfast ? . Are we good ?' I said while ruffling her hair . She slowly open her eyes .

' you cooked ?' I nodded then smiled . She nodded then I helped her getting up to sat down . She's now sitting in the middle of the bed . She did stretching first then faced me .'I'm sorry .. I over slept ' Minari said then she gestured her arms for a hug . I hugged her then started rubbing her back .

' it's okay . I got it and you were sleeping soundly so instead of waking you up I just did the cooking .. you know that's my thing ' I said then chuckled .  She broke the hug and cupped my face .

' thank you chae.. you're the best wife ever. ' she said then gave me a peck on the lips . I can only smile .

' you're always welcome Minari .. and taking care of you and cubguin is my number one priority so cooking breakfast is just a part of it .  Come on . Get up your amazing ass off the bed and let's eat the food I prepared before it gets cold . ' I said then held her hand to help her get up from the bed . She went first to the bathroom to do her things and I went downstairs . After minutes of waiting. Minari showed up wearing a white robe . I helped her sat down then I sat down beside her .  ' eat now .. so you can sleep again ' I muttered . She hummed in reply then started munching her breakfast .

' your pasta is still the best cub ' Minari announced after the last spoonful pasta she devoured . ' compliments to the chef ' she added . I smiled .

' don't spoiled me Minari ' I said chuckling . She looked at me then smiled .

' if there's anyone in this room who's great in spoiling it has to be you . Not me .. but I love the way you spoiling me .. can't complain ' she said then winked . I can only shook my head .

' whatever Minari .. just continue eating .. you still have your untouched pancake to dig ' I said then pinched her nose bridge . She just stuck her tongue out .. that's becoming her hobby now .  After eating our breakfast she definitely continued her sleep and I decided to stay the day at home . No need to work .. Papa saved the day .. while dad saved Mina's absence too . But I can work here also so no worries . I just don't want to leave Minari . If she wants to be home I need to be home too . I stared at our wedding photo beside my PC I'm here at our study room . I smiled then picked the framed photo . I really love this woman and now that's she's bearing our baby I can do nothing but to love her millions , billions , trillions and gazellions times  . I'm so lucky to have her in my life .. dang .. I'm really soooooo whipped .. I blinked from my trance as my phone buzzing off.  Whoever the caller is .. really annoyed me .. I'm having my moment here can't they feel it ? .. uggghh. I picked my phone then see who's the caller .. the legend of Snow White Kim Dahyun is the one who ruined my moment . I can only shook . Tho dubu's annoying I still answered the call . ' what now Kim Dahyun ?' I asked. Dubu chuckled on the other line .

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