Eight: Engagement Party

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' wifey hurry up ' I told my wife . We're going to attending eun-ji and yeri's engagement party . The two finally tying the knot . I check myself again in the mirror . I touch my face .. I'm in my 3rd months of pregnancy .. and my body is changing a lot . My cheeks becoming a chubby cheeks now even my body . I smiled coz I really looked cute .

' almost done ' she said then the bathroom door opened ' I'm ready my love ' I smiled then Faced my wife then fixed her bowtie . Yeah chaeyoung's wearing a black tuxedo . Dang . She's hot .

' you're handsome chaengi ' chae chuckled and blushed then held my hand .

' and you looked beautiful . Ahh you're always beautiful Minari.. but let's get going before we do something that will make us more late ' she said then shook head . My turn to chuckle .

' yeah . You're right wifey .' I said . She nodded .

' let's go now before we get late and we wouldn't want to be late , now would we? ' I can only nod . Who wants to be late right ? Hehehe . Chae's not in the mood to drive that's why we borrowed Mr. Kim from dad .

' good evening to the both of you ' Mr. Kim and his famous greatings and his mischievous smile . Chae chuckled then help me to sat down on my seat .

' good evening to you too Mr. Kim . Been a while ' chae greeted . Mr. Kim nodded at chae.

' you didn't change Mr. Kim . Good evening too by the way ' I said then shook my head . Mr. Kim and chae chuckled .

' I missed you too Minari ' I should tell Mr. Kim to stay away from my dad . My dad's a bad influence . I mentally facepalm. Chae snorted then soon started laughing . I slapped her thigh lightly . She stopped then gave me her peace sign . I only glared at her .

' funny huh ?' I asked my wife . She shook her head no while biting her lower lip so she won't laugh again . Smart ass as always. I mentally shook .

' let's get going Mr. Kim before my wife skin me alive ' chae said then chuckled . Mr. Kim nodded while smiling . Ughh .

' copy that Chae ' Mr. Kim said then soon revve the car . Chae held my hand gently I looked at her then received the sweetest smile from her . I smiled back . You know the kind of feeling when the one you love smiled at you then you automatically/unconsciously smile , returning the gesture you received? . Dang . It happens to me all the time whenever this woman beside me smile at me. I'm so whipped and I'm so into her . And couldn't be prouder.hehehe .

' have I ever told you that you're so beautiful tonight minari ? ' she asked . I smirked then nodded twice .

' yes you already did chae . You told me that twice ' I said and chuckled then squeeze her hand in a gentle way . She giggled then kissed my cheek .

' well .. I just want to remind you that . Your beauty is ethereal .. inside and out .' I know I'm blushing now and I'm smiling now like a teenager who got praised by her crush . I pinched her cheek with my free hand .

' why so sappy wifey ? Huh ? ' I said with my brow arched .

' I'm not sappy wifey . I'm inlove . Super inlove ' chae said then winked at me . I laughed then slapped her thigh lightly .

' and I attest to that ' I said chuckling . She nods in playful way then intertwined her hand with mine . The ride went well with chae and Mr. Kim teasing me in their on ways . Great . We're now walking towards the grand entrance of Kim's Residence . I looked around . I was amazed by the sight . I know Minatozaki Tzuyu was the one who made this possible. ' well prepared ' I whispered to my wife who's guiding me . She's the most gentlewoman I've ever met . Ahh . I've never met anyone . Chae is enough . Hahaha .

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