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"Oh...Hello" Jake said walking into the break room to see a sleeping Hitchcock his head lay flat on the table surface.


After a while of Jake scurrying around in the break room he finally figured out an amazing prank to pull on Hitchcock before returning to the squad, "Guys, guys, guys, check it out. Hitchcock fell asleep in the break room, so I put his hand in a bowl of warm water." He grinned, placing his hands on his hips.

"Come on, man. That's the stupidest prank ever." Rosa groaned out. "Uh, no, it's the smartest because it involves biology. I bet it worked already. Let's go check." Jake's arms flailed his around as they enter the break room to find Hitchcock face down in the water bowel. "Hitchcock, no!" Jake yelled. "He's drowning, he's drowning!" Scully shouted as he clenched onto the door frame. "Great prank Jake!" Dean said with extreme amounts of enthusiasm "Save him, man!" Terry ordered as Jake ran up to the man and pulled his head out receiving a huge gasp from Hitchcock. "I take it back, Jake. Great prank." Rosa smiled.


Now in the briefing room, the squad where all sat in their spots listening to Holt's daily speech, "Is everyone packed for the 28th annual Tri-State Police Officers Convention? I hear Bill Powell's giving a lecture on advances in appellate court e-filing techniques. Phew, talk about 'can't-miss'." He fiddled with his glasses as he stood behind the podium. "Yeah, we don't really go for the talks. We're more interested in the extracurriculars." Jake. "I go for the gadgets! You never know what to expect from cop-con!" Dean marvels at the thought.

"Of course, Rochester has much to offer in that sphere." Holt rolled his eyes. "For instance, it's famed thermometer museum." He raised his brows. "Thermometer museum? Uh, no thanky. Here's what a-we are all about." Jake gestured around to the squad. "One, free hotel rooms." He clasped his hands together on the table. "I get to sleep in a bed by myself. No wife, no kids, just Terry starfishing on a Cal King." Terry announced trying to contain his excitement. "Two, a huge hall full of cool police tech."

"Last year, I got to try out a heat ray." Rosa chimed in, lifting her arms behind her head. "Three, the Buffalo P.D. always throws an insane party. Last year, Amy got so drunk, she jumped a police horse into the pool." Jake reminisced. "The horse did not live" Dean chimed in and everyone went quiet for a moment. "This isn't an excuse for you to party. This is a police convention, not the Newport Folk Festival." Holt raised his voice breaking the silence as a few squad members sigh to themselves.

"Come on, sir. It's been a hard year. I mean, frankly, we could all use a party to blow off some steam." Jake pleaded. "First we were on the night shift, then the precinct almost got shut down." He named a few events before Gina interrupted him. "I got hit by a bus." Gina added. "Yeah I think we all need a break and just have a chill chapter" Dean sighed leaning back. "Did you say chapter?" Jake asked. " I meant..trip duh." Dean says and everyone shrugs moving on.

"Well, we have been through a lot, but, frankly, our reputation has taken a hit. That's why I'm running for a seat on the convention's board of directors. If I win, it will look good for the precinct. So please don't do anything to jeopardize that. Understood?" Holt glanced around at the faded expressions before grabbing his file and starting to leave. "Dismissed." Holy said dryly "That's a big ole bummer." Charles mumbled. as everyone rises from their seats. "All right, everybody, just relax." Jake raised his hands. "We're still gonna have a great time. If there's one thing I know, it's how to sneak out to a party without your parents finding out. I used to do it all the time." He chuckled as Amy tilted her head.


In Rochester, the squad crowd around in the lobby waiting for their rooms, "What is taking so long with those keys? I gotta hit that pillow top. It's starfish o'clock." Terry tapped his watch. "Guys, guys, they're here." Jake eyed the other group before turning to them. "Hey, hey, what's up B.P.D, aka Buffalo Party Department." He joked. "That is gold. You guys coming tonight, right?" The tall man asked.

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