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"Spent all these years trying to be the good guy, the man in the white hat. I'm not becoming like them... I am them." Jake says talking into a camera.

"What are you doing, weirdo?" Amy says looking over at her partner seeing him in the camera.

"Doing the best speech from Donnie Brasco. Actually-- ten of me are doing the best speech from Donnie Brasco." Amy rolls her eyes as she looks at Jake.

"Hey Jake, hey Amy!" A voice calls from behind them. Jake and Amy both look over and see Dean.

"DEAN!" They scream in unison. Dean smirks and clasps her hands together. "What's up dorks?" She asks, talking down to them even though she was a little shorter than Amy. "What are you guys up to?" She rephrased before being interrupted by a drum machine.

"Sorry- well no need to worry." Jake says smirking. "You see, we're looking for three white males, one of whom has tatt sleeves on both arms." He continued smiling, Dean looked impressed as she pushed up her glasses.

"How do you know that, dare I ask?" Amy butted in.

Jake smirked, happy with the appreciation he was getting. "I had a confidential informant on the inside. He spent years right here, in this sale bin, watching, learning, waiting. His code name is..." Jake says holding up a teddy bear. "Fuzzy Cuddle Bear! And he's a nanny cam." Jake finishes, smiling brightly.


Back at the precinct, Dean walks in and everyone shuffles into the briefing room. She had on her usual polo shirt buttoned all the way up and her khakis with all white Air Force ones. She was eating her doughnut as she sat down and everyone looked at her in shock. "Oh damn, Dean you're back!?" Terry says shocked with his hands on his suspenders.

"Yea, don't make a big deal." She said walking back towards Rosa as everyone talked to her about coming back to the nine nine.

"Quiet, please.. come on guys, I don't want to have to raise my voice. Rosa?" Terry said with a stressed look.

"Shut up!" Rosa shouts and everyone moves away from Dean.

"Thank you Rosa. First off, Gina has some administrative announcements." Terry says motioning to Gina. Gina lightly pushes Terry over and begins to talk.

"Thank you. Thank you. No need to applaud. First of all, starting today there's a new claim form for 'lost equipment.' Sadly, I have misplaced it." Everyone laughs including Gina. "But seriously, I do not know where I put those forms. If you see them, let me know. Also, my dance troupe, 'Floor-gasm' is performing at the Atlantic Antic on Sunday. Please come watch me dance, unless you are an old pervert." Gina says pointing to Scully who is right in front of her.

"Now on to open cases. Jake. Amy. Did you guys close the electric store robbery last week?" Terry asks.

Jake proudly smiles. "Patrol picked up all three mopes yesterday, Sarge." Jake turns to Amy "Would you like to do the honor?" Amy walks up to the blackboard, which reads: 'Peralta: 23 / Santiago: 22'. She erases the '23' and writes '24'.

"What's all this?" Dean asks, looking around confused.

"Oh, Jake and Amy made a bet." Charles says looking over at Dean. "Welcome back by the way." Dean coolly nods.


"Hey, have you heard anything about the new captain?" Amy asks looking for anyone with the answer.

"Nope and I don't care, Terry runs a great detective squad and he's great." Jake shrugs.

"Terry is an emotional wreck." Amy says.

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