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((A/N Rated mature. Contains kissing and frottage.))

Draco could finally admit that he had an obsession. He used to deny it, but he didn’t see the point of doing so any longer. Not when it was obvious and everyone knew anyway. Why deny that he was obsessed with Harry Potter?

As a child, he had been obsessed with the stories of Potter. All the tales about him and his parents. The boy who lived. It was his favourite bedtime story. When he met Potter, and the scrawny welp embarrassed him, his obsession changed. He had to be better than the golden boy in every way. It didn’t matter the circumstance, he had to be the one to come out on top. The only time his obsession had wavered had been during sixth year and he didn’t like to think too much about that year or the following one. If nothing else, it was proof that not being obsessed with Potter was a jinx for him. 

He returned to his obsessive ways when Potter saved him from the fiendfyre. He could have left him to die, but he had pulled him from the flames. And when he spoke on behalf of him and his mother, Draco’s feelings only intensified. Surely Potter wouldn’t have spoken for him if he didn’t feel the same way. ‘He must care about me,’ Draco thought. ‘He has to or he wouldn’t have done those things for me.’ 

And now he had another chance. A chance to finally make Potter his own. He had been reluctant to return to Hogwart’s for another year, but this would give him the opportunity he needed. He would show Potter that he needed him. They were nothing without each other. 


After the sorting ceremony, McGonagall kept the returning eighth years and informed them that they’d be sharing a common room and quarters since there were so few of them. Draco smirked as he saw that even fate was on his side when he was assigned Potter as his roommate. It seemed that every returning Slytherin had been paired with a Gryffindor. Most of the students were cross, but Draco stayed silent since it fit with his end game. McGonagall showed them to their common room and told them they could pick their own rooms as long as they were in the pairs she had assigned. She looked at them all sternly and pointed at Draco and Potter, “Absolutely no fighting will be tolerated. I will not repeat this. We have opened the school to prepare you for your futures and that future does not include incarceration. If there is any fighting, you will find yourself out on your own. Have I made myself clear?” 

The students all agreed and she left them to themselves. “Do you have a preference for a room?” Potter asked. He looked tired and not quite himself. 

Draco would usually be tempted to taunt him, but that wouldn’t work and he had grown beyond his childish inclinations. “As long as there’s a window, I’ll be content. Pick whichever one you’d like.” 

Potter looked at him suspiciously before walking down the narrow hall that led to the dorms. He poked his head in two different rooms. Shaking his head, he walked to the end of the hall and opened the last door. “This one,” he said softly and went inside. The room was unspectacular, but it had a window over each full sized bed and had space enough for both of them. 

“Left or right, Potter,” Draco asked as he looked around the small space. 

“I picked the room, you pick the bed,” Potter shrugged, looking up at him. 

“Right,” Draco said, stepping back as his trunk appeared at the foot of his chosen bed. 

“Why aren’t you being an ass?” Potter asked, staring up at him suspiciously. “You’re always an ass.”

“I have more important things to do this year,” Draco shrugged. “Would you prefer it if I was an ass?”

“Maybe,” Potter shrugged before moving to unpack his things. 

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