The Opposite of Quick

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((A/N Rated General Audiences))

Draco hated attending Ministry functions. He always had. Ever since he was small and had to attend with his parents. They were boring and stuffy. There was nothing fun about networking with these dodgy old politicians. Nothing at all. 

Unfortunately, they couldn’t be avoided. Especially now that he had fought so hard to regain the dignity of the Malfoy name. He had to save face after all. A charity event here, a Ministry function there, donations left and right to orphans and Hogwart’s and Azkaban. All to make nice and show how reformed he was. It was all a show. He didn’t give a rat’s ass about any of it, but he had to appear as if he did for the sake of his son. Scorpius didn’t deserve to inherit Lucius Malfoy’s mistakes and Draco would do everything he could to see that he didn’t. 

The functions he had attended after Astoria’s passing had been the hardest. So many piteous glances, so many well meaning sympathizers. They made him sick. Everyone said the same things, “We’re so sorry to hear…” “If you need anything…” It was all just to look good. To give the air of caring. No one actually cared. Well, no one except Harry. 

They had kept in touch through owl posts after Harry had spoken at his trials. Exchanging simple greetings and well wishes. Congratulations on nuptials and the births of their children. Birthday greetings and the like. The letters had caused them to form a timid friendship and with time they began to divulge more about their daily lives, likes and dislikes, opinions on the Ministry staff and the political climate. Their timid friendship grew stronger and they started actually meeting. Sometimes to let the children play, sometimes just for a pint. Short visits turned into weekend camping trips and planned holidays, much to the dismay of a certain weasel. 

When Astoria grew ill, Harry frequently took Scorpius and brought over meals. He gave direction to the house elves so that things were looked after without disturbing the mistress. He never said a word, just did what needed to be done. Draco was eternally grateful. 

When Harry’s marriage started to fall apart, Draco stepped in to help his friend in much the same way. Taking the children so that they wouldn’t hear the arguing. Making sure that Harry ate because he forgot to sometimes. And when things fell completely apart, he opened the doors of his home to Harry and his children. The renovations weren’t complete in Grimmauld Place and it was no place for children. Draco had insisted they stay with him. 

Things hadn’t been easy at first, but it rarely is with two people as strong willed and arrogant as Draco and Harry. Not to mention the fact that their children bore entirely too strong of a resemblance to their fathers. The first few weeks had some bickering and squabbles, but these things happen when children are involved and feelings have been hurt. Draco had worried about Harry for a while, but he seemed to come back to himself relatively quickly after the divorce was finalised. The children also seemed to calm once they got the swing of their new routine in Malfoy Manor. 

A heavy hand clapped Draco’s back, drawing him from his thoughts and back to the dreadfully boring Ministry function. “You awake in there, Ferret?” Weasley asked and gave him a little shake. 

“Yes, barely,” Draco rolled his eyes and plucked two drinks from a passing waiter, offering one to the Weasel. “I hate these things, but if I don’t show my handsome face they’ll think I’ve reverted to my dastardly ways.”

“You’re not the only one,” Weasley agreed, accepting the drink. “Do you and Harry have any plans since Ginny has the kids this weekend? Mione and me can keep Scorpius if you lot need a proper break. Hugo would love having another boy around for the weekend.” 

“I appreciate the offer, but he’s going with the other kids. Ginny’s taking them camping and asked if he wanted to go.” Draco sighed deeply. “I trust her to keep him safe. I just worry.”

“It’d be strange if you didn’t worry, mate,” Ron chuckled and bumped his shoulder against Draco’s. “I’m going to go see if i can find your boyfriend around here anywhere.”

“He was avoiding the Minister earlier,” Draco laughed, then paused as he realised what Weasley had said. “My boyfriend? He’s not my boyfriend.” But Weasley had already moved out of ear shot. ‘Does he really think he’s my boyfriend or is he just having one over on me?’ Draco thought as he watched Weasley move through the crowd. 


Several boring hours passed achingly slowly as Draco wondered why Weasley would call Harry his boyfriend. Yes they spent a lot of time together and yes they lived together, but they had separate bedrooms. They didn’t kiss or hold hands, but they did seem to touch each other fairly often. Yes, they were raising children together. But it was so much easier having two parents in the house with four children. Weasley had to be messing with him. 

“Penny for your thoughts,” Harry said from behind him, startling him. 

He had to stop losing focus so easily. “Just thinking about something the Weasel said,” Draco shrugged. “Are you ready to go?” When Harry nodded, he held his arm out. Harry gripped it firmly and they apparated home. Bixby met them at the door and took their cloaks informing them that the drawing room was ready. Draco went in, picked up his scotch and stood before the mantle, glaring into the fireplace.

“What did Ron say that has you so riled?” Harry asked as he came to stand beside him. He leaned lightly against Draco so that his head was on his shoulder. 

Draco took a deep breath and looked down at Harry. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again before scrubbing a hand over his face. He was quiet for several moments, but Harry didn’t rush him. Finally he sighed, “I don’t even know where to begin.” He looked back at Harry’s face and just blurted out, “Are we a couple?”

“What?” Harry seemed a bit taken aback. He looked confused for a moment and then a little hurt as he stepped away from Draco. “What did Ron say to you exactly? Because I never implied to him that we were a couple. I never wanted to push you into anything just because of my feelings.” He stopped talking as he saw the surprise on Draco’s face. 

“You have feelings for me?” Draco asked softly. 

Harry ran a hand through his hair and looked up at Draco. “I have for a long time now. I just didn’t want to ruin this,” he gestured between the two of them. “Whatever this is between us. I love you too much to ruin us,” he muttered. 

Draco pulled Harry close and kissed him. It was firm and quick, but that one kiss spoke volumes. “I love you, too Harry,” he whispered against his lips before kissing him more thoroughly. 


A few hours later, Draco stared at the ceiling of his room. His fingers gently running through Harry’s hair as he snored against his chest. It had taken them a long time to get to this moment, but Draco knew that it would be worth the wait. 

((A/N If you've made it this far, drop a comment and let me know your favorite trope. I'm going to try my best to get in one prompt a day for the entire month of August so I'm entertaining the idea of taking requests for one shots.))

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