Weapon of Choice Chapter 2

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After dinner, Draco showed Harry to his father's office. The room had been cleared by the aurors after his father's arrest and his mother had painted it white to make it seem less oppressive. "I think this should work as a practice space. What do you think?"

"I agree. There's plenty of room," Harry nodded. "Do you want to start tonight or in the morning?"

"Now is as good as ever," Draco grinned.

They agreed that it would be best to work on casting a Protego first. It took a few tries, but within an hour both of them could cast a solid Protego from the hilt of their sword. It took another hour to be able to maintain the Protego while fighting. They took their time and continued to strengthen their shield charms and expand them. They both agreed that the stronger the shield the better.

When the grandfather clock in the hall chimed midnight, Draco suggested they get ready for bed. They had made more progress than expected and were both visibly tired. Draco was completely dreading the climb up the stairs and decided he liked the idea of single story houses. He let Harry use his bathroom first while a house elf moved his belongings to Draco's room. Bixby discreetly expanded one of Draco's dressers and put Harry's things away before popping out of the room.

When Harry was finished showering, Draco showed him where his things were and headed to the bathroom himself. He took care of his necessities and took a quick shower. He usually took a little longer, but he was tired and wanted to be rested for practice tomorrow. When he stepped out of the bathroom, Harry was sitting on the end of his bed with a book. He looked up at him and grinned.

"That grin looks a bit suspicious, Potter," Draco said, his eyebrow arching as he looked around the room half expecting Harry to be up to something.

"I was just thinking that it's funny how things work out," Harry shrugged. "Usually, you and I would be cross with each other and I'd be spending Christmas with Ron, but now it's reversed." He cocked his head sideways and grinned again. "Also, I didn't know that your hair is a bit curly when it's wet. It suits you."

Draco's cheeks heated a bit as he sat next to Harry. "It comes from my mother's side of the family. Apparently, most of the Black's either had curly or wavy hair. Mother's hair is wavy when she doesn't style it differently." He looked at Harry and smiled softly, "And I'm sorry that your friend is cross with you, but I'm glad you're here. Do you want some tea or anything before bed?"

Harry opened his mouth to answer and a yawn slipped out before he could speak. He chuckled and shrugged, "Sorry. Tea would be nice, but I'd like to get some rest for tomorrow."

"Completely understandable," Draco agreed. He stood and stretched, yawning as he did. "Do you mind sharing the bed or would you prefer the sofa?"

"I don't mind sharing as long as it's alright with you," Harry shrugged. "It's your bed, after all."

"I don't mind. I do like to be on the side by the door though."

"I don't have a preference," Harry said as he moved to pull back the covers.

They settled in and Draco put out the lights. They lay in the dark quietly for a few minutes, Draco waiting for his eyes to adjust to the moonlight filtering through the curtains. He was surprised to hear Harry chuckling again. "What's giving you the giggles now?"

"I kind of can't wait to see the look on Ron's face when I tell him we slept together," Harry laughed.

Draco couldn't help but to laugh as well, "Please let me be there when you tell him." They laughed for a bit longer before finally quieting and dozing off to sleep.


Draco woke up feeling slightly confused. Something soft was tickling his nose and he felt warmer than he should, even under his thick blankets. When he tried to move, he remembered that Harry had slept in his bed. It was easy to remember because Harry was currently laying partially on top of him with his head on Draco's shoulder. 'It must have been his hair tickling my nose,' Draco thought. He tried to smooth Harry's hair down, but it had a mind of it's own and kept sticking up so he settled on just holding it down with his hand. He was watching Harry's hair intently so when he looked down at his face and found two large green eyes staring up at him, he was moderately surprised.

"Your eyes look greener without your glasses," Draco muttered.

Harry grinned at that and then his cheeks turned pink as he realised he was laying on top of Draco. "I'm so sorry," he ran a hand over his face and started to get up slowly. "Were you petting me?"

"Your hair was tickling my nose," Draco said as he stood up from the bed. "You were the one using me as a pillow, if I decide to pet you I should be allowed," he laughed.

Harry huffed out a quick laugh and shook his head, "Awake Harry is not responsible for what sleeping Harry does." They both laughed at that and started getting ready for breakfast.

As they ate, they talked about what spells to try next. Should they stick to defensive magic or try offensive spells? "If I had the ability to wield a sword, I think I would like to be well defended first and fast second," Narcissa added from the head of the table where she had been watching them. "If you can cast defensive spells quickly and accurately while still physically attacking your opponent it will give you the upper hand. Master that first and then work on spells that manipulate the weight of your sword and your movement. Then you'll be faster and your sword lighter so you won't tire as easily." She smiled softly and sipped her tea. "I do have one request. I would like to ward the room you're using so that your magic is contained. We don't want any misfired spells harming anyone or anything."

After breakfast, Narcissa had her personal elf see to warding the room. She also added a charm so that if someone else entered the space an alarm would sound. "Draco, might I have a word?" she asked when she had approved of the spell work her elf had used.

"I'll grab our swords," Harry said quickly and excused himself to run upstairs.

"Is everything alright, Mother," Draco asked when they were alone.

"I notice that Mr. Potter is staying in your room," she spoke carefully. "Is there anything that you would like to tell me?" Her expression was carefully neutral.

"He has nightmares too so we thought it would be better," Draco said.

"That's all well and good, my darling boy," she stepped closer and reached up to cup his face. "You've gotten so tall," she said wistfully. "I suppose my actual question is do you like him? Yes, I know he's your friend now, but is he more than that?"

Draco was quiet for a moment as he looked down at his mother. After he had thought about it, he said, "I don't know what it means to like him as more than a friend. I've never liked being around anyone this much. I like spending time with him and he makes me laugh."

Narcissa smiled up at him, "It's alright to be uncertain. There have been so many dark times and I just want to see you happy."

"I am happy, mother," Draco said. He smiled when he realised that he meant it.

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