Weapon of Choice Chapter 3

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Draco and Harry spent the remainder of the day practicing different defensive spells while taking turns attacking each other. Draco wasn't surprised when Harry was able to cast Expelliarmus with his sword, effectively disarming Draco. "I'm beginning to think that's the only spell you know," Draco teased. He yelped and ran to grab his sword when Harry smacked him across the butt with his sword. They only stopped when his mother made them take breaks to eat and hydrate, both falling asleep quickly after showering.

Again Draco woke up hot with hair tickling his nose. Instead of trying to get up, he gently combed his fingers through Harry's hair and thought about the talk he had the previous day with his mother. Did he like Harry as more than a friend? It had never really been a thing that had crossed his mind. He'd never particularly liked anyone as more than a friend, not even Pansy and their relationship had gotten physical a few times. But he didn't like being around anyone for too long. Usually he needed time to himself to feel normal, but Harry was different. He looked forward to the time they spent together. He was already dreading the return to Hogwart's because he liked waking up with Harry.

"I could get used to this," a sleepy voice drew his attention. He looked down to find Harry watching him.

"To what exactly? My comfy bed, stealing my body heat, or me playing with your hair?" Draco teased.

"Do I have to pick one?" Harry grinned up at him. "I didn't know that I would like having my hair played with," Harry said softly.

"You've never had your hair played with?" Draco asked. "Not even by your friends?" When Harry said no, Draco shook his head. "That's awful. And they call themselves your best friends. All of my friends do it. We lay on each other, play with each other's hair, rub each other's shoulders. We actually touch quite a bit..." he trailed off as he thought about it. "It's alright. I'll play with your hair anytime you like."

Harry looked a bit sad, which surprised Draco until he said, "So, you like being close to me just because we're friends?" He sounded so disappointed that it made Draco's heart clench. He pushed away and started to get up.

Draco panicked slightly and grabbed shirt, pulling him harder than he meant to so that Harry ended up laying completely on top of him. "I like you as more than a friend," he whispered urgently and pressed his lips to Harry's.

Harry was stiff for a moment before pressing against him and kissing back. They clung to each other, barely breathing as they explored each other's mouths. Hands started moving, gripping, and caressing as the kiss grew more heated. He slid his hands under Harry's shirt, savoring the feeling of his warm skin. He had just started to inch his shirt up when a swift knocking drew his attention.

"Draco," his mother called from the other side of the door, effectively cooling his emotions. "Are you and your friend decent? We have things to discuss."

"Just a moment, mother," he responded, his voice hoarse and raspy. He cleared his throat, "We'll be right there." He looked up at Harry, his cheeks pink and eyes shining. "I suppose it's time for breakfast, but I'd really like to revisit this later. If that's alright."

"Yea, I'd like that," Harry agreed before leaning forward and kissing him again briefly. Draco tried to grab him again, but he jumped out of the bed before he could catch him, laughing. "Come on and get dressed. We don't want to keep your mother waiting. It is Christmas Eve after all."

They found Narcissa in the kitchen. She was talking to a house elf in hushed tones and smiled when she saw them. "Good morning, darling. And a good morning to you, as well, Mr. Potter."

They both greeted her and sat, Harry adding, "You can call me Harry, if you like."

"I think I would like that," she grinned and glanced at Draco knowingly. "But on one condition. You must call me Narcissa or Cissa, as well."

"Yea, alright," Harry nodded, smiling. "Thank you, Cissa."

As they started to eat breakfast, Narcissa began excitedly, "So, I have had a busy morning while the two of you were sleeping in." She ignored the blushing and kept going. "As it is Christmas Eve, I think you two should take a break from your practice to enjoy the holiday. I have sent invitations to your friends to come over this evening for a small dinner party and they've all accepted." She was smiling broadly and seemed quite pleased with herself. "Honestly, Harry, I wasn't certain your Weasley friends would accept, but I'm quite happy that they did." She continued to fill them in on the plans for the evening as they ate and then enlisted them to help finish decorating the dining room and drawing room.

When they took a break for lunch, Draco was surprised at the transformation that had taken place. He hadn't seen the manor look so cheerful since he was a child. There was a large tree in the entryway that they had decorated with green and gold trimmings and bulbs. Swags of evergreens and holly were bunched and gathered over doorways. It looked warm and welcoming and was almost too much. The dining room had large poinsettias as the centerpiece with smaller ones on the side tables. The table was set beautifully and his mother had charmed the napkins to fold themselves into little trees on the plates.

The drawing room was the best, in his opinion. Swags and candles graced the mantle where his mother had put stockings for the three of them. A large tree, trimmed in red and silver, sat in the corner by the window, the fairy lights twinkling and reflecting off of the glass. His mother had tasked the house elves with gathering the gifts they had gotten for their friends and placing them under the tree. Festive pillows were on the sofas with fuzzy blankets in a basket near the hearth. Draco felt excited for Christmas for the first time in years and when he saw the joy on Harry's face, he knew this would be a Christmas worth remembering.

"Please tell me that I'm not still asleep," Harry said when he saw Draco watching him. "This just seems too good to be true."

"I'm not certain that I'm not dreaming myself," Draco chuckled. "Everything seems perfect."

"Everything?" Harry asked, his cheeks pinking slightly.

"Yes," Draco nodded, walking over to take his hand. "Everything."

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