Weapon of Choice Chapter 4

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Things were awkward for a short while as everyone started to arrive. Blaise and Pansy stood away from The Weasley's looking a bit uncomfortable as Harry was being hugged. The Weasley family, to their credit, was doing their best to act as if it wasn't unusual to be invited to Malfoy Manor.

"Everything looks so lovely," Mrs. Weasley said to Narcissa, gaining a large grin. "You must have worked yourself ragged to have done all this."

"Mum," Ron rolled his eyes. He still seemed cross at Harry and was being a bit rude to everyone, his parents included. "They have house elves."

"Actually, we helped," Harry spoke up and Hermione elbowed Ron in the ribs. "We worked really hard, but it was fun. I've never gotten to decorate a tree before."

Draco decided he wanted to talk to Harry more about that comment later, but at the moment he wanted to break the tension in the room. "Why don't we head into the dining room and get started on dinner?" He motioned to the doorway and smiled in relief when everyone moved in that direction.

Ron's mood seemed to improve once food was in front of him and the tension eased out as Hermione started talking to Blaise about their N.E.W.T.S. Everyone seemed to enjoy the meal and by the end of it they were laughing and joking together.

"This was a great idea," Mrs. Weasley said to Narcissa as they entered the drawing room after dinner.

"I had hoped that it would be," she agreed, sitting next to Molly. "I was so happy when you accepted the invitation." She was interrupted when Blaise and Ron started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Hermione asked, looking confused. Pansy rolled her eyes, ignoring them both.

"Harry and Malfoy are under the mistletoe," Ron chortled.

"Give us a kiss then," Blaise laughed. They apparently found themselves to be hilarious.

Draco just rolled his eyes and grinned at Harry. He cupped the back of his neck and pulled him in for a brief kiss, effectively silencing the cackling baboons. "Who's ready for presents?" Draco asked, grinning at the surprised faces. His mother seemed to be the only one not surprised.

"I knew it," Hermione muttered, grinning at Harry.

Everyone settled in to pass out presents, Molly teared up when she unwrapped a lovely green scarf from Narcissa. "I didn't have time to do more shopping so I hope these are alright," she said passing lumpy packages to Narcissa, Draco, Pansy, and Blaise. "I didn't want anyone to feel left out. Thankfully, Hermione was able to help or I wouldn't have finished them on time."

They opened their packages to find sweaters. Narcissa's was a pale blue with a white N, Draco's and Blaise's were dark green with black lettering, and Pansy's a pretty lavender with a pink P. They stared at them for a moment before looking at each other and moving to hug Molly. "No one's ever made me anything like this before," Pansy hugged it to her chest. "It's so soft."

"Usually, I only make them for my kids, but Harry and Hermione seem to like them so much that I thought you all might, as well," Molly beamed, her cheeks pink from all the attention.

Narcissa pulled hers on over her dress and grinned. "It's lovely, Molly. Thank you."
They spent the remainder of the evening laughing and listening to each other tell stories about past Christmases. Draco even laughed when his mother told the story about him setting traps for Santa and catching a house elf instead. It was one of the best Christmas Eve's he had ever had.

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