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((A/N Rated General Audiences))

Draco stared into the fire, watching the logs pop and crackle. All he wanted was some small semblance of peace, but Potter’s friends insisted on ruining it with their idle chatter. They all had a tentative truce since returning to Hogwart’s and he was doing his best to keep his mouth shut because he didn’t want to break first. However, it was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore them. He finally gave up, deciding that eavesdropping would be better than being irritated. 

“I think we should talk to Madame Pomphrey,” Granger said, her voice stiff with hushed urgency. “He’s been in there for a week and only comes out for classes. He’s not eating unless we make him. This isn’t like Harry at all.” At the mention of Potter’s name, Draco perked up and listened a little more carefully.

“Yea, I know, Mione,” Weasley agreed. I just don’t know what to do about him. I’ve tried talking to him and he told me that I wouldn’t understand because I’ve never had my heart broken.” He shook his head slightly, “And Ginny isn’t helping at all because she keeps asking me if he’s alright. I told her to bugger off.”

“I’ve seen him down before,” Granger added, “Like when Sirius died and after the battle, but I’ve always been able to reach him. It’s like we can’t get through.” She sighed and put her head in her hands. 

“I can try,” Draco surprised himself. He didn’t think to actually say it out loud, but now that he had, it seemed like a good idea. 

“And what makes you think he’ll listen to you, you eavesdropping Ferret,” Weasley blustered. 

“No, he may be right,” Granger interrupted. “If anyone can get to Harry, it’s him. He’s never failed to provoke a response. It just might work.” 

“Yea, well don’t be whining to us if he hexes you,” Weasley huffed. 

“I’m sure I’ll manage,” Draco said coolly as he stood from the sofa. He strode away from the pair and down the corridor that led to the dorms. He knocked briefly on Potter’s door before entering and shutting the door behind him. 

“I told you I want to be alone,” Potter mumbled from his bed, his voice muffled. His back was to the door and Draco assumed that he had a pillow against his head. 

“I don’t particularly care what you want, Potter,” Draco stated as he moved to stand next to the bed. 

Potter was surprised enough at the sound of Draco’s voice to turn his head and actually look at him, but not enough to engage in conversation. “Just leave me be, Malfoy,” he muttered, turning his head back. “I just want to be alone.”

“And I just want some quiet in the common room, but your little friends won’t stop whining with concern about you,” he watched Potter for a moment waiting for him to do something, but he just lay there. All these years of taunting and fighting and he wouldn’t even look back at Draco. This simply wouldn’t do at all. “Listen, Potter, your friends are driving me mad. If you don’t get up, I’m coming in there with you.”

Potter moved just enough to call his bluff. He pulled a second pillow out from under his head and flipped the blanket down on the empty side of his full bed. “You think you’re clever do you?” Draco muttered. He pulled his cloak off and placed it on Potter’s trunk before kicking his shoes off and climbing over Potter to lay next to him. Potter just stared at him for a moment, eyes wide with shock. “So why are you hiding out here? I mean, your bed is alright, but not the best. If you’re hiding from your chatty friends then I completely understand.”

“You wouldn’t understand,” Potter muttered.

“Try me.”

“Ginny dumped me,” he sighed. 

“I fail to see why that’s an issue worth hiding from,” Draco said, rolling onto his back and crossing his ankles. “It’s the second time the two of you split, if I’m not mistaken. Why is this time so terribly depressing?”

“She was going to be the mother of my children, that’s why!” Potter huffed and tried to roll away. 

“Oh, no you don’t,” Draco grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. “Unlike your friends, I don’t care if your feelings are hurt. You won’t feel better until you talk about this, Potter.” He gave another tug and Potter gave up, slumping against him. 

“Fine,” Potter huffed. “But if I have to talk, I’m going to be comfortable.” He surprised Draco by moving closer and laying his head on Draco’s chest. “I hope this isn’t weird, but I could kind of use a hug at the moment.” 

It was weird because it was Potter, but he already seemed so forlorn that Draco didn’t want to point that out, “It’s fine,” he said instead. He rested his arm around Potter’s back wondering how he had gotten here. “So,” he started after he had thought about what Potter said for a few minutes, “Are you upset about being dumped or about losing the family you thought you were going to have?”  

Potter was quiet, but seemed to be considering what he had said. “I just feel really lost at the moment,” his voice soft when he finally spoke. “I thought that I had finally figured out what I wanted in life. I never got to have a proper family.” He snuggled his face against Draco’s chest. “You’re very warm,” he muttered sleepily. “I just want to have a nice family and be around people that actually like me for me. Not because I’m Harry Potter.”

“You could always marry a Muggle girl that doesn’t know your past.”

“Yea, but then how do I explain the nightmares,” Harry murmured. “I thought Ginny was the one, you know. She’s just always been there for me.”

“Oh, I see now,” Draco nodded his head. “I used to think that I’d end up married to Pansy. She was always there. She was familiar and reliable. It was easy to let myself believe that we were meant to be together. But we’ve both grown. I want children eventually, but I want to make something of myself first. I need to prove to myself that I can make it in the world as Draco. Not just as a Malfoy. Pansy doesn’t understand that. She’s perfectly happy to continue on as a little princess and let someone else take care of her.” He moved his hand up and started running his fingers through Potter’s hair. It was softer than he’d expected. “It took us both some time to accept that we just weren’t meant to be.” 

“Well, if you wanted different things you wouldn’t have been happy together after a while,” Potter mumbled. Draco gave him a look and he seemed to realise what he had said. “I guess it’s not so much a heartbreak as me mourning a future that never really existed then.”

“It could still exist, Potter,” Draco shrugged. “It just might exist with someone else.” 

-------------------------------------A few hours later---------------------------------------

“They’ve been in there for hours,” Hermione practically shouted even though she was trying to whisper. “What if they’ve gotten into a fight and knocked each other out?” She dragged Ron up the hall mentally preparing herself for the sight of Harry and Malfoy beaten, battered, and knocked out. She was not prepared for what she saw when they opened the door. Harry was cuddled up against Malfoy’s chest and they were both sleeping peacefully.

“Ugh!” Ron grumbled. “I think I’m gonna be sick.” 

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