Big Time Awards - Part Four

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Turns out Sharkus was going to use the commercial that BTR filmed for him to hypnotize the 21 million viewers into craving Mac and Cheese all day, every day. And he'd used Griffin and Gustavo as his test dummies, the two of them inhaling it as they did air.

And then the six of them found themselves inside a small cage where they couldn't stop Sharkus' plan.

"Welcome to the Cheese Squeeze," he said as he stood on the other side of the cage, flanked by henchmen with an ominously large red button in his hand.

"You really need to stop using the word cheese so much," Gwen muttered, Kendall nudging her as Carlos asked,

"And what is the Cheese Squeeze exactly?"

"Sure, I'll explain it. So, you guys are the cheese," Sharkus began, the boys all pointing to themselves in confusion. "And you get squeezed.

He then pressed the big red button and the wall behind them began to move closer as they started to panic.

"Cheese you later," Sharkus grinned as he dropped the button and walked off.

"Please tell me that the dream team has a plan," Gwen pleaded and Kendall pointed his finger into the air.

"Dream team, activate panic mode."

And then they started screaming.

"Why do I even ask?" Gwen muttered as she, Alexa, Carlos and James tried to push the wall back while Logan and Kendall gripped the cage and called for help.

"OK, new dream. Not getting Cheese squeezed!" Logan exclaimed.

"Guys, don't worry. My spy girlfriend will help us get out of here," Carlos said and they all turned to Alexa with hopeful looks on their faces.

"Do you have any spy gear to help us out?" Logan asked.

"This erases memories," Alexa said pulling out a small device before frowning. "Not helpful. This disguises my voice," she said as she pulled out another device and spoke into it, her voice sounding like an old British man before she handed it to Carlos.

"We're losing ground here!" James panicked as the wall keep pushing them closer.

"How does this happen to us?!" Kendall screamed.

"I don't know!" Logan replied.

"Oh, this!" Alexa exclaimed as she pulled out a toothbrush.

"Is that one of those lasers that can cut through the fence?" Carlos asked, the boys smiling in relief and Kendall high-fived Logan.

"No, it's a toothbrush. It brushes teeth," Alexa retorted.

And soon they were pushed against the fence Gwen smushed between the wall and Logan's back.

"Oh! We just have to hit that button!" Kendall exclaimed as he pointed at the red button Sharkus dropped.

"Or short it out somehow," Logan continued.

"With what?!" Alexa asked as she was squashed against Carlos.

"With- uh, with - with goop!" Logan cried as he pulled out the syringe of goop he'd taken from the goop room earlier.

And as the purple goop hit the button and it sparked, the cage slid open and the wall moved back as they all could breathe again and rushed out of the box.

"Ok, our commercial airs in 10 minutes! What's the plan?!" Kendall asked worriedly.

"Oh, I've got a plan," Alexa said as she observed the goop on the floor.

"But first you guys are up for Awesomest Look!" Gwen exclaimed as if on cue the crowd began to scream high above them.

"Oh, but we can't leave you now?!" Carlos said.

"But we do look awesome," James pointed out.

"Gwen can help me. Now go, then meet us in the goop room in five minutes,' Alexa instructed as she had Gwen hold onto her bicep.

"Good luck!" the girls smiled before Alexa tapped her watch and they disappeared.

"That is so cool!" Logan laughed in amazement.

"I didn't even get a good luck kiss," James grumbled.

"Go, go!" Carlos and Kendall urged as they ran for the arena.


But they lost Awesomest Look to Justin Bieber.

With only one more nomination to go, they only had one more chance for Gustavo's dream to come true.

But that didn't matter right now as the boys rushed from their seats to the goop room.

They pushed open the heavy steel door to find Gwen and Alexa attaching hoses to the pipes by the pit.

"Do we get to kiss now?" Carlos asked excitedly.

"Definitely later," Alexa smiled.

"That goes for you too, hockey head," Gwen answered before he could even ask the question, both boys frowning.

"Ok here, grab a hose," Alexa said as she tossed one to James who caught it.

"Got it! What do we do with it?" he asked.

"We stop Sharkus," Gwen answered.

"Uh, one big yellow problem; this place is crawling with cheese men!" Logan exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's a problem," Alexa admitted.

"Actually," Kendall piped up with a smirk. "Not for the dream team."

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