♡︎girly time♡︎

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Penelope and Alexander walk all the way back to Penelope's hand in his, their fingers intertwined, "are you going to the dance?" Penelope asks Alexander as they reach her tiny home, Alexander shakes his head "only certain teachers get to go, since I'm in the library Im never invited to proms" Alexander replies, Penelope hums lightly, opening the front door holding onto Alexander's arms as she unbuckles her heels, immediately shrinking in size a few inches "so tiny" Alexander teases, Penelope glares up to Alexander with a playful growl letting go of his arm pulling off Rosalie's coat hanging up on the hook behind the door.

Alexander removed his shoes and coat placing them by Penelope's heater for them to dry. "Right let's make you some food" Alexander announces picking up Penelope's hands tugging her to the kitchen her hopping behind him, Penelope laughs pulling her apron over her head and tying the waist straps tightly, Penelope leans forward grabbing an old beaten notebook "I really need to rewrite this" Penelope murmurs opening the book flicking through the pages, stopping on a page, Alexander throws Penelope's tea towel over his shoulder before rolling up his sleeves "what should I grab?" Alexander questions. Penelope turns around with the book in hand "could you grab me 2 bulbs of garlic, Kale green onions and lemon from the fridge please?" Penelope asks turning her open on to pre heat. Alexander spins around opening the fridge, grabbing the ingredients from the fridge them places them on the counter next to Penelope.

"I can't reach but can you grab the olive oil and miso they are in the second cupboard on the left, and the red chili pepper flakes and mineral salt in the cupboard next to it?" Penelope asks further putting the garlic on a cutting board bringing out a small kitchen knife, slowly peeling away the skin "I forgot how smelly garlic is" Alexander utters standing next to Penelope also peeling the skin off a garlic Penelope laughs "I love garlic, I love garlic bread so much one point I ate it everyday for weeks" Penelope admits, Alexander hums in thought "I never had garlic bread, if you do find a way for me to eat, I want to try your garlic bread" Alexander replies to Penelope cutting the top off the garlic bulbs. Penelope smiles "I'll make you all nice and fluffy with all my food" Penelope jokes patting Alexander's abs Alexander laughs as Penelope grabs a cooking tray placing some olive oil in the tray setting the garlic in the tray then covering them in oil. She throws the tray into the oven then looking at the clock.

"We have 45 minutes" Penelope sighs climbing up and sitting on the counter swinging her legs back and forth sometimes her heel kicks the cupboard door. "That gives us a lot of time, now who's skeleton is that in your basement?" Alexander questions leaning on the counter opposite Penelope. "Well, he's the 4th skeleton I've collected, the others I gave away to museums, and schools for education purposes but that skeleton is a serial rapist from new York, don't worry he was ethically killed, I ran him over, but his organs was donated, and I obtained his body after so, yeah" Penelope states calmly with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Who were the other 3?" Alexander asks further sweeping hair away from his face. "The first one I got was a man who set me on fire, bastard had it coming. The next was a man who owned slaves, he also had it coming and the one before mister rapist down stairs, the body belongs to a man who abused his wife and kids. I have a skull that belongs to a murderer, I have a foot, I used to have a jar of eyes too they were quite cool" Penelope explains a faint smile on her face. "As you can see I am rather violent, but only to those who deserve it" Penelope adds staring at Alexander.

"I think it's cool that you have them, it's a shame you got rid of the horse. It seems like you were doing those people a favour of getting rid of those men. I'm sure they appreciated it" Alexander assures with a faint smile. Penelope nods her head slowly "what's the weirdest ones you've owned?" Alexander requests, Penelope pouts her lips puffing her cheeks before humming "I own a pair of taxidermy mice that are into bondage, they have tiny harnesses, with a blind fold and a whip, honestly the best purchase I've ever made" Penelope giggles sliding off the counter watching Alexander's baffled expression, Penelope grabs a sauce pan from the cupboard placing it on the gas hob, reaching into her fridge grabbing a jar of vegetable stock, she twists the lid then flicks it off, whilst Alexander stays in his spot gaping into thin air slowly blinking "you have BDSM mice?" Alexander realises.

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