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When the call ends from Penelope's side, she quickly spins around and skips her way over to Alexander's side neatly tucking herself under his arm, on his other arm was their bag, whilst they wait for Bella to grab her suitcase before the silent trio shuffle their way through the small clumps of people till they get outside, the cold air hitting their bare arms sending shivers down their backs, the three rush to Alexander's black cat to try and get some warmth. Alexander slides his hand into his pocket grabbing his keys before unlocking the car. Penelope was the first to clamber into the car as the cold nips at her legs, whilst Alexander takes Bella's suitcase to the trunk as she climbs into the back seats.

Once Alexander sits in the car he turns on the heater, "let's go back to Charlie" Alexander hums flicking on the radio and starts pulling out of his parking space. Everyone sits silently as they drive back through Seattle "what should we have for lunch?" Penelope asks looking over to Alexander, her hand paws at Alexander's larger hand till he turns his palm upwards so she can thread her fingers his as their palms kiss the others. "Shall we get takeaway, I don't think we have any food right now, or after we talk to Charlie we can go home make a little list?" Alexander replies side-eyeing Penelope who was gazing at the bearded man "yeah let's make a list and go shopping" Penelope answers looking ahead. "Penelope?" Bella calls from the back seat, Penelope looks over the back of the chair as she turns around. "Yes, love?" Penelope replies.

"Why do you need to talk to Charlie?" Bella questions leaning forward a bit, Penelope hums tilting her head thinking of ways she can word her sentence, a small crease forming between her eyebrows "I need to talk to him about my personal life mostly, I want to be honest with him" Penelope finally answers. Nodding her head slowly till she has fluffy turned back around, "we are almost there, are you ready to talk to him, love?" Alexander asks, his girlfriend his hand squeezing her hand softly "yeah, I think I am" Penelope answers as they turn on to the road of the Swan house, Alexander slowly parks outside the house behind Charlie's police car, Bella slides out of the car first, following her actions Alexander and Penelope do the same, Penelope shoving her phone into her shorts pocket whilst she watches Alexander help Bella with her suitcase.

As they start to walk around the car, Charlie makes an appearance on the top of the stairs "Hey guys, welcome back, how was the trip?" Charlie asks jogging down the stairs to meet Bella by the bottom before snatching her suitcase away from her "it was good thank you, how has your weekend been?" Alexander replies as he runs his hands up and down his hands the palms of his hands heating the trail he leaves behind "it was a bit tiring, listening to some lady complain about her soggy sandwich" Penelope groans as she shuffles her trainers on the little welcome mat by the door, before she waddles her way into the house, Alexander following behind her, his hand lingering on her back.

The little group four shuffle to the living room, Charlie placing himself in his armchair after leaving the black suitcase by the stairs, Bella sitting at the small dining table behind the couch, which Penelope and Alexander situate themselves on, claiming each corner, Alexander crossing his legs and Penelope keeping her feet planted to the ground. "So what do we need to talk about?" Starts Charlie his face blank, but his hands clenched resting on his knees, his eyes flicking between Penelope and the man beside her."Umm" Penelope whines softly chewing on her bottom lip. Penelope slowly stands up dusting her hands on her legs before she shuffles over to Charlie gently kneeling by his armchair, her hands resting on his armrest. "I need to talk to you about something very personal, this includes Alex and me, and a tiny bit about Bella" Penelope states staring up at the man, the wrinkles in his pale forehead increasing as his eyebrows knit together and rise on his head.

"I don't know really where to begin, but please know this is life-changing and please don't be scared after I tell you this" Penelope continues taking a deep inhale and a shaky exhale out "Basically, I am not 18, I was born in 1670, I am close to turning 336 "Penelope retells to Charlie, watching his eyes widen to the size of large buttons, his jaw unclenching and dropping ever so slightly, "My mum was Helena Miller Black, one of the last women to be set to trial for the Salem witch trials my full name is Penelope Miller Black but I go by Penelope Miller" Penelope formally introduces her full name staring at Charlie straight in the eyes as her lips twitch between a smile and frown. "I was the very last witch trial, I was 18 when I was set on trial, I was to be burnt at the stake, so I was partially burnt at the stake" Penelope continues her story, Alexander sitting silently staring at the love of his life with a sad smile, but his eyes held a found and proud shine, Bella sitting at the table shock flowing through her views.

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