♡︎A new way of Living♡︎

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As Alexander and Penelope walk back over to their house Alexander stops looking out into the forest "I think I'm going to hunt, I haven't been in a while, I'll be back in an hour dove" Alexander informs Penelope, who slowly nods her head slowly pulling her hair into a bun "okay I think I'm going to clean up my potions room" she replies, giving him a peck on the cheek before he runs off into the forest. Penelope sighs using her abilities to jump down at the edge of the bridge landing near the door. Penelope, enters the long hall way with ease a small bounce in her step as she becomes more eager to finish Alexander's potion. Penelope skips over to the table the items still on the table from last time, Penelope grabs a piece of chalk from her set of drawers and starts making a circle on the floor putting sigils in the floor for what she wants the potion to do. One for a heart beat, one his natural eyes to come back, another one giving him the ability to eat food and his hair can grow back, the final one to not shimmer in the sun. Penelope sets the crystals down on the sigils a bowl being placed in the middle of the circle moon water swaying around, herbs floating on the top of the water.

Penelope slowly kneels down onto the floor the cold stone sending shivers and goosebumps up her arms, Penelope closes her eyes as she lets her second form climb forward in her mind. Her hair becoming snowy white down to the very ends of her hair, her eyebrows white along with her eyelashes. Her warm skin fading slowly into a stark white like her hair, the tips of her fingers becoming a deep red. "He will be like me, his heart will beat again, he will enjoy meals with me, he will eat again, he will sleep again. He will have human abilities like me" Penelope chants in an unspoken language, her voice harsh her words lingering around the room as the candle lights flicker out, the chalk sigils and circle starts to glow the more pressure she put into the stone flooring the brighter the light becomes. Penelope slowly bows her head down onto the floor as the light fades mumbling a thank you to her second form whilst her skin gains it's colour and her hair returns back to normal.

Penelope slowly stands up stretching out her back before bending over to pick the crystals to put on a seletine charging port, Penelope hops back over to the circle picking up the bowl. Penelope wonders back outside to their shared house, the door already unlocked from taking their stuff from school back home. Penelope hums as she does a small skip to the kitchen placing the bowl down softly, before she flickers around the kitchen grabbing a strainer, and a jar, as Penelope places the strainers over the mason jar Alexander walks through the door smelling of fresh pine and musk from a bear.

Alexander immediately strides over to Penelope wrapping his arms around her waist "what did you make dove?" He mumbles into her ear looking over her shoulder "you know how I started a potion for you?" Penelope asks, Alexander nods his head humming softly "I do" he replies. Penelope tilts her head slightly to look up at him "well this is it, you will finally be able to do what I do" Penelope explains just as she starts pouring the liquid seperating the herbs from the water. Alexander takes the jar once it was full from under Penelope's arm stepping away from her, Alexander brings the jar up to his lips and starts chugging the clear water his adams apple bobbing with his gulps, his head tilting further back as he comes to the end of the potion, his hair sweeping away from his face. Penelope watches with slightly wide eyes and an eager grin bouncing on the balls of her feet. "when does this kick in?" Alexander asks setting the jar into the sink wipping the sides of his mouth for anything that got trapped in his beard.

Penelope tilts her head "not even in a minute" she replies, Alexander looks at her with wide eyes in shock. "It's because you chugged it love" she sighs, Alexander blinks slowy and opens his eyes again, Penelope's eyes widen at the shocking blue eyes staring back at her, Penelope's jaw drops at how effective the spell was 'holy shit" she whispers under her breath before squealing and clapping her hands "it worked Alex it works" she cheers wrapping her arms around his neck squeezing him tightly. Alexander chuckles hugging his mate back just as tight lifting her of her feet as they sway side to side "that's amazing dove" he murmurs pressing his lips to her, Penelope kisses back the pair smiling in between each peck, Penelope pulls her face away looking at his face closer "fuck you are so sexy with blue eyes" Penelope groans Alexander grins from ear to ear at Penelope's reaction "I need to see this" he states carrying Penelope over to their livingroom mirror to examine his face, the grin still on his face "how do I change back and forth?" He questions Penelope, Penelope smiles up at him in the mirror "you just need to think about your vampire self or your human self, it will be easier as time goes. Now for the big moment what do you want to eat?" Penelope asks as Alexander sets her back down.

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