Always and Forever

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Mississippi River, 300 years ago 

Over the course of my long life, I have come to believe we are bound forever to those with whom we share blood. And while we may not choose our family, that bond can be our greatest strength or our deepest regret. This unfortunate truth has haunted me for as long as I can recall.

"What do you think of that?" The man asked his companion as they started at the ship in the middle of the Mississippi River. "No banner, no flag." His companion noted down the missing things. "Floating in out of nowhere. A miracle ship."

The second man asked confused "Why is it just sitting out there?" The two looked at the ship as if it would speak but then, the other one said. "I suppose we ought to find out." They sailed to the ship using a small boat and once they were on the deck, they had no idea what fate would bring them.

Opening the door roughly, they walked down into the ship. Various thing was scattered around the room from the gallons of wine and drinks, to two coffins on the floor. Using lanterns to find their way, the two looked around the ship as they descended the stairs created down the deck.  "Where in the hell is everyone?" The other one shrugged at his friend's question. "Deserted." He commented, not feeling exactly good with the silence of the ship. 

"Which makes everything abroad quick profit." His friend answered, turning to their chaperone and commanding.

"Take what suits you." He then noticed the two coffins. "Would you look at that?"  Two coffins, side by side, the same night with the Mikaelson's crest on the floor of the ship. "Open it up." He commented at one of them and they scattered fast towards it, revealing a daggered Kol Mikaelson.  "What the hell?"

The one who opened the coffin questioned but then, their heads snapped up when one of the men vanished. The other one did too, hid alter dropping on the floor and breaking apart. The one who stood by the stairs did too and as the one, without a jacket ran up the stairs, his friend's eyes widened. 

The remaining man turned and swirled around in fear, hearing one last scream from his friend and then, nothing but silence. When a sound came from behind him, he turned around to find nothing.

"Hello." He jumped, startled as he turned to the stairs only to find Rebekah Mikaelson. She was dress to fit the times clothing with her hair pulled in a fancy hairdo. The light of the lantern showed her face as she wiped the small trail of blood from her lips, her vampire's face retracted. "Lovely to see such a handsome face after a long journey. Can I eat him, brother?"  She asked eagerly with a smile upon her face.

"I'd rather you didn't." Elijah's voice startled the man making him turn around to face the Nobel Original. "There's no need to be afraid. You'd do exactly as I say. You will remember nothing." He assured the man or rather compelled him. "I will remember nothing." The man answered robotically.

Elijah nodded with a pleased look on his face."We had a very long journey. When, in which, unfortunately, we lost all of our crew. Therefore I would ask you to kindly transport our belongings to the shore."

"What kind of hell demons are you?" The poor compelled man asked with a slight demanding tone mixed with fear.

"We're vampires, darling," Rebekah answered for her brother with a smile on her lips. "The Original vampires. Rebekah." She noted to herself.

"Elijah." She pointed to her brother and them she noted to Kol and Finn who were lying dead in a box.

"Our brothers, Kol and Finn, may they rest in peace." She continued nonchalantly as if it was a common occurrence.

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