Sinners and Saints

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My siblings and I are the first vampires in history, the Originals. Three hundred years ago, we helped to build the city of New Orleans. We were happy here, a family. Recently, a coven of witches lured my sister back, using her unborn child as leverage. I tried to help her, but she betrayed me to her enemy, the vampire, Marcel. Since then, I've been held prisoner by a powerful witch. My sister seeks to manipulate others to procure my release, but I have my own plan. If this witch proves to be an enemy, I will stop her. By whatever means necessary.


Davina and Elijah were conversing civilly. She couldn't help but think as to how someone this polite was related to the irritating hybrid.

Though she would soon find the truth of the famous saying "appearances can be deceiving."


Nikole was pacing angrily in the back kitchen of Rousseau's which was free of any employees.

When Sophie finally came into the room with a basket of stuff, Nikole grabbed her and vamp-sped them back to the plantation house for a chat.

She brought into her living room, where Rebekah was already waiting for them.

Nikole harshly threw Sophie onto the couch and pointed at the witch in anger, "We had a deal! You protect my unborn child, I dismantle Marcel's army. And whilst I've been busy fulfilling my part of the bargain, you allowed Hayley to be attacked and almost killed by a gaggle of lunatic witches."

Sophie looked at both the Mikaelson sisters and she shook her hand frantically, "I had nothing to do with it, I swear. Hayley and I are linked, remember? She dies, I die."
She pointed to herself nervously.

Rebekah walked towards her with a confused look, "Then who were they?"

Nikole stood with her arms crossed and her jaw clenched. She glared at her when she noticed that the witch's hesitation.

Sophie sighed defeatedly, "They are a faction of extremists. Sabine stupidly told them about some vision she had about the baby."

Nikole uncrossed her arms and took a seat at an empty couch and stared at the witch suspiciously, "What kind of vision?"

Sophie looked at the originals, mentally preparing herself to deal with Nikole, "She has them all the time. They are totally open to interpretation. I'm guessing she's wrong on this one." She waved her hand as she dismissed Sabine's visions.

Nikole raised her left eyebrow and leant forward in interest, "Well, how, may I ask, was this particular vision interpreted?"

Sophie looked into Nikole eyes before speaking, "...Pretty much that your baby would bring death to all witches."

Nikole chuckled and looked at Rebekah with a smirk, "Ah, well. I grow fonder of this child by the second."

Rebekah rolled her eyes at her sister before speaking to the witch directly, "Sophie, look-- I promised Elijah that I would protect the Mikaelson miracle-baby whilst he tries to win your witch Davina's loyalty. Why don't you tell me just how extreme this faction is?" The blonde demanded.

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