chapter 17

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Me and Ember on the way home from school. We walk into the house and I see dad and Juliet sitting in living room talking to Kate , we walk in and they turn to us.

Dad speaks first "Harlow can you sit for a second we need to talk* I nod and sit down after taking my bag off. I look up and say slowly " have I done anything wrong " instantly think back to see what I could've done.

Dad reassures me that it's not me as says "your mother-" I instantly interrupt "that women is not my mother! Kate and Juliet have been twice as much mothers t hen she ever has! " Juliet rubs my shoulder to calm me down and dad continues "Emily then anyway she wants to take us to court" "why what for... ".

He takes a deep breath before replying " she says that we have l taken you away from her", I clench my fits and feel anger take over me "THAT'S FUCKIN BULLSHIT" Juliet pulls me gently into a side hug and says "we know dear and we'll do everything we can to sort this out.

After we talk me and ebony go upstairs, I cry a little wondering why does Emily want to ruin everything. I never asked to be here but it always seems to my fault no matter what.

Me and Ebony watch anime the rest of the night for a distraction before we have to face the up coming battle. I knew something was going to happen but I never imagined this.....

I make a mental note to talk to Kova and to tell work when I know the court date.

I hope this works out.....

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