Chapter 13: Part 3

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A/N: Sorry for the long break guys. I have finished all my classes so I'm officially back to writing and updating regularly. Thank you to all those who have been patiently waiting.

We all get out of pajamas and change into our school outfits. Lexi runs and gets the bloody sheets and towels and shoves them into her school bag. We all go to the kitchen and eat breakfast. One by one our new siblings wake up and come to the kitchen to eat. Eventually everyone is ready and we head out. Emilia hops on the back of Lexi's bike Bella gets on hers and they all head to school.

Time passes slowly as they go from class to class eventually it's time for lunch break. Emilia, Lexi, and Bella sit alone. They discuss how to get Emilia to Liam's so he can get her to a doctor to get her head checked out. They agreed to go to his house after school and tell the guys they were going to go shopping.

After lunch came P.E. None of them really felt like working out. Emilia's head was pounding and Lexi and Bella had killer cramps. We changed into joggers and sweatshirt. We hung out in the back with Matei and Stefan till the teacher called us to grab yoga mats. We were doing pilates today for some reason. We went and grabbed the mats then laid them down in a line next to each other. We were doing the stretches when Max came and tapped on Bella's shoulder He whispered her something. She immediately looked embarrassed and ran to the locker room. I shot him a glare than me and Lexi ran after. She had leaked through her pants. We felt so bad. I texted Stefan and Matei to come to the locker room.

Stefan Pov:

I see Max go up to Bella and whisper her something then she runs to the girls locker room and Emilia and Lexi go after her.

Thoughts: What the hell did he say to her

I get a text from Emilia saying for me and Matei to come to them. So we go to the girls locker and knock. We can hear someone crying.

Knock Knock

Emili Pov

Goes and opens the door to the guys

Stefan: Whats going on

Emilia: Bella's period leaked through her pants do you guys have extra clothes

Matei: I have shorts and a T-shirt

Emilia: Good go get them, Stefan give me your car keys

Stefan: Why

Emilia: We're gonna take Bella home and maybe get ice cream or something

Stefan: Oh

Emilia: Can you take our bikes home

Stefan replies "Yes" with and excited smile

Emilia: You scratch you die

Stefan: I got it

Matei comes back and gives us the clothes. Bella gets changed. We get in Stefan's car and head out.

Lexi: "Hey turn of the car gps tracker"

Emilia: "Good idea"

We head to Liam's house. After we get there we just chill and catch up. He got one of his mafia doctors to check me no concussion only needed 2 stitches. It starts to get late so we start heading home and stop by McDonalds on the way.

Stefana and Matei Pov

We head back to class and just get through the rest of the day. We take the girls bikes home. Mom was in the kitchen making lasagna and dad was on the couch watching the game

Mom: Hey guy where are the girls

Matei: Oh well um

Dad: What happened

Stefan and Matei tell Marco and Allegra what happened in gym class

Allegra: Oh poor Bella

Marco: Where are they now

Matei: They took Stefans car they said they were going to get some food then come home we bring their bikes back

Allegra: Oh ok well then I'm sure they'll be home soon

A while later Emilia, Bella, and Lexi come back home. Bella heads upstairs to get changed into her own clothes then takes Matei's clothes to laundry room.

Allegra: I made lasagna

Lexi: It's fine we already ate

Allegra: Okay

We all went on with the rest of our day

We all went on with the rest of our day

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