Ch. 17 The Escape

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Why does that voice sound familiar?

"Say something!"

The yelling woke me up. I lifted my head and slowly opened my eyes. I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes to the dim light in the room. My head was killing me. The back of my head must have been where the headache was coming from. Someone must have knocked me out good with something really hard.

"Damn it! Please Victor get up!"

I turned my head to the sound of the voice and saw Holly tied up on a chair. I tried to move towards her but my hands were tied. My memory was starting to come back to me. I had followed Victor to the room. When I found him on the floor unconscious, I looked up from his body to see Holly in the corner then I was knocked out. I should have been more cautious.


She turned to me with tearing falling down her face. "Dylan?! You're awake! I don't know what to do! He forced me to watch my brother become a punching bag!"

I scanned the room for any sign of him. He was on the bed, badly beaten. There was no movement coming from him. I hope he didn't beat him to death.

"Where is Ben now?" I asked, trying to see if I could get untied.

"He said he had some things to take care of before he dealt with us. I don't know how long he'll be gone."

I nodded. Apparently Ben wasn't much of a boy scout in his young days because he was terrible with the rope. I couldn't get free from the multiple knots he made. Damn it! We needed to get out of here and quick. Who knew when he was coming back.

Suddenly the door flew open. My eyes went wide when I realized who it was. How the hell did she find this place?


Taylor walked in behind her. I would think being her brother would have him tell his sister that she should stay back at the dorm. The last thing I want is Ben going near her.

"Ben will be back any minute guys! We need to get Victor to the hospital!" Holly yelled, as she tried to get free.

Taylor walked over to untie us while Ashley went over to Victor to check on him. When Holly and I were free, Ashley grabbed her to get to the car outside. I helped Taylor carry Victor. The girls didn't get out the door due to someone standing in their way. We ran out of time.


Ben looked scarier than I remembered. He didn't look too happy to find us escaping. We stepped back from him. I didn't like being near this guy.

"Well it looks like I have more guests. It's been a long time Miss Malone. How's your dad?"

This guy wants to piss me off! I took a step forward but Holly pulled me back. He had no right to ask about my dad!

"Oh what were going to do? Hit me? That wouldn't have much affect on me sweetheart."

He walked into the room while we took a few steps away from him. If we were too close, he could grab one of us and use us as a shield or something.

"You don't deserve to live you despicable piece of scum." I said, standing my ground. Holly tried to pull me back.

"Oh Dylan's girl suddenly thinks she can talk back to me?"

He slapped me hard on the left side of my face. My face hurt but I wasn't about to shed tears in front of him. I didn't want to see me cry. I was trying to act tough but I was really scared.

Dylan was suddenly in front of me. I glared at the back of his head. I didn't need him to come to my rescue, not this time. Ben stood his ground, smiling like an idiot. What was he trying to do?

"Stay the hell away from her!"

"What makes you think I'm going to listen to you? I can kill you kid."

Taylor squeezed between Holly and me to stand next to Dylan. They're not going to jump him, are they?

"If you don't stay away from my sister then I'll show you why you should listen." Where is the police when we needed them?

Ben chuckled as he turned around to shut the door and locked it. Oh god, please don't tell me they're going to fight. I looked over my shoulder to check on Holly and Victor. She was sitting on the bed with his head in her lap. We needed to get him to the hospital.

We're never going to get out of here if Ben is blocking the only way out. I guess the guys had an idea. If they distracted him then we could get to the door without being noticed. I turned around from the three guys in front of me and picked up Victor and put his arm around my neck. Holly noticed what I was doing so she grabbed his other arm and did the same thing. The first chance we got, we were going to run for the door.

Before any of the guys threw any punches, I saw red and blue lights flashing right outside the window. We were going to get out of this alive. I smiled at Holly who smiled back. Ben couldn't get away from police if they weren't being paid by him.

Ben growled and then pulled out a gun. He aimed it at Dylan then at Taylor. He was not going to try and take away anyone from me today. I didn't want either of them gone when I just got them. Why can't things go my way?

"Benjamin Haines and Victor Ruiz! Come out with your hands up!"

I glanced at Victor. There was no way he was going to get out of this room on his own. Ben wasn't about to walk outside and surrender to the police. That would be too easy for us. He wouldn't go without a fight.

"Which one of you want to die first? I didn't come all this way just to give up. I would rather die than go to prison for all the things I've done."

The guys jumped on Ben and tried to get the gun away from him. Taylor tried to keep him down while Dylan tried to grab the gun. Ben wouldn't let him near it. This was our chance to get out of here. Holly and I went for the door with Victor. If we could just get outside then the police could come inside.

We couldn't go too fast because Victor was still heavy. We avoided the struggle on the floor. Ben had managed to hit Dylan with the gun so Taylor tried to grab the gun instead. The gun was scaring me a little bit. It was being waved around too much. Someone might pull the trigger. I didn't want to be in here if that happened.

We were close to the door when Holly told me to stop. I guess she was getting tired from carrying her unconscious brother. We were practically dragging him to the door. The guy wasn't light.

When we stopped, I looked over at the guys. Dylan and Ben were fighting over the gun while Taylor was on the floor clutching his stomach. I guess Ben could hold his own when he has two people attacking him.

"We're almost out of here Holly"

"Thank god"

When we reached the door, I unlocked it. I sighed before I opened the door and let it hit the wall. As soon as we stepped outside, I froze when I heard a gun shot from inside the room.

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