Ch. 2 Not The Same

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  • Dedicated to xnicotine kisses

I'm sorry about the late update. I now owe you guys two chapters. I'm working on them right now.....

i would also like to say that i love the banner that my mibba subscriber xnicotine kisses took the time to make. :)


It's been three years and I still cry in the shower. It's the only private place I know in this University. After Dylan disappeared, I always cried in my bed. I had spent the whole semester with no roommate because I asked the dean if I could just have the dorm to myself. He understood why after I told him what was going on.

Taylor York was assigned to my dorm when my second year of college came. I wasn't too happy about having a new roommate because it felt like Dylan never existed. I was told that my dorm was the only one left so I didn't argue about it. He turned out to be a nice guy but I learned something very important about him. He was a man whore.

"Ash! Are you done in there?! I seriously need to use it!" Taylor yelled as he banged on the bathroom door. I guess I let my thoughts run wild for a minute too long.

"What's the magic word!" I yelled as I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. I was going to take as long as I wanted.

"Are you freaking kidding me woman?! Screw the stupid magic word! Let me in now!" Taylor yelled as he started to kick the door. He's just too fun to mess with.

"Step away from the door and then I'll let you in!" I yelled as I gathered my clothes on the floor. This is a routine we had since the day he arrived at the school. He was really impatient when it came to using the bathroom. I guess he had a hot date that he didn't want to be late for.

"Fine! Just hurry up already!" he yelled after the banging and kicking stopped. When I opened the door, he didn't waste anytime going in and shutting the door. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

I tossed my dirty clothes in the hamper and sat on my bed. The clock near my bed read four thirty. My last class ended at two so I had a late lunch with a few people before heading back to my dorm to take a shower. I had two choices, do boring homework or go see what Sam and Holly were up to. I chose to go see what the girls were doing.

"Hey I'm going out so make sure to lock the door when you leave!" I yelled as I put my shoes on. I heard a "okay" before heading for the door. I figured I would visit Holly first since her room was the closest.

I wondered who her roommate was this year. The Dean thought it would be nice to let us choose a girl or a guy for our roommate. Holly didn't want to keep the same roommate every year so she would switch. I think this year it was going to be a girl again. I hope she wasn't a snob like the last girl.

When I got to Holly's dorm, I used our secret knock. Victor may be locked up in prison miles away but that didn't keep Holly from being paranoid that one day her twin would get revenge. Having your own flesh and blood turn you in for kidnapping and assault didn't sit well with Victor.

"Oh I didn't think you would stop by today Ashley," Holly said after she opened the door. Her purple dress and curly hair told me she had plans.

"I felt like I needed to hang out with you and Sam. Going somewhere special Holly?" I said, as I looked over her shoulder. I wanted to meet her new roommate.

"I'm sorry but I have to be somewhere right now and I don't want to be late," she said as she slipped black heels on. Whoever she's meeting up with is apparently something special because she's too lazy to mess with her hair.

"Do I know him?" I asked trying to hide the frown on my face. I have a feeling I'm going to end up being alone today.

"What? I don't know what you're on about. You can be so silly sometimes," she said as she grabbed a small purse and her cell phone. I sometimes wonder why I'm friends with Holly. Dylan always ends up coming up as the answer. Sam and Holly were there for me all day and every day for the first year after Dylan was gone.

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