Ch. 9 Cornered

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"No one said you can kiss her jerk face!"

I had punched and kicked Dylan when I walked in on him taking advantage of Ashley. I don't want my best friend getting hurt because of this guy. Someone around here needs to look out for her.

As soon as Dylan hit the ground, Ashley had grabbed something under the bed and ran out of the dorm. She's probably confused right now thanks to him. He just can't take things slow.

"Sam I didn't know you had it in you to kick me while I'm down." He's lucky I didn't kick him somewhere else.

He groaned as he tried to sit up while clutching his stomach. So I might have gone over board with the kicking but he sort of deserved it. It's not like I need to apologize because this fool in front of me has a lot more to apologize for.

"Just stand up before I kick you just for fun dork," I said, crossing my arms while staring down at him.

"You're still bossy I see. Man, I think you kicked a bit too hard. I think I need to see the nurse," he said standing up and walking over to his bed to lay on it.

"Don't be a baby. Just be happy I didn't aim lower. Now what the hell were you doing with Ashley a few minutes ago?" I said tapping my right foot.

He was silent for a few minutes and I was getting irritated with his lack of response. He has a lot to talk about and yet he just lays there.

"I was trying to get her to forgive me while showing her how much I missed her," he said looking over at me.

"Did you at least explain to her what the hell you've been up to all this time? If anyone deserves to know, it would be her," I said becoming more relaxed.

"I told her what I was doing and why I was doing it. She wanted to cry and I didn't like how I made her want to cry. She has shed enough tears for me I'm sure. I am just trying to protect you guys. So my decisions seem to have consequences but at least I would know that everyone I care about is safe," he explained as he turned his head to stare at the ceiling.

Damn. He really knows how to sweet talk girls. I'm not going to forgive him that easy and I hope Ashley won't either. She should at least get him to beg for her forgiveness so I can record it and post it on youtube. Dylan is not one to beg for anything so it would be amazing if that happened with Ashley.

"Well I guess I ruined your little moment earlier. Sorry about that by the way but I'm just protecting her from you just in case you decide to leave again," I said sitting on Holly's bed.

"I understand but I promise you that I'm not going anywhere. I'm here to stay so make sure to mention that to Ashley when you see her okay?" he said looking at me again. Well since he asked nicely, I guess I can do that for him.

We sat there in silence. It was nice to know that he was doing just fine on his own. I just hope that whatever he was doing isn't going to come back and ruin everything for him and Ashley. It would be nice if all we had to worry about was Victor running around loose but I have a feeling that things are just getting started.


I should have told Ashley that Dylan was my new roommate but a part of me wanted it to be a surprise. For all I know they could be making out after Ashley forgave him. Sam wouldn't like the idea of them together but I wouldn't mind it one bit. Ashley's been through enough and she hasn't gotten her happy ending yet. I know for a fact that Dylan is somewhere in that happy ending.

I kept running down the hall until I ran into someone when they turned the corner. I landed on top of them with my stuff scattered all over the floor. Great, now my professor is going to give me hell for keeping her waiting. If I wasn't in such a hurry, I would so cuss out the person that I'm on top of.

"Holly? Sorry about running into you. Have you seen Sam? She ran out of the dorm without taking her stuff for class. She apparently wanted to talk to you," Greg said when he realized who I was.

"I haven't seen her at all this morning. I'm actually in a hurry to help one of my professors," I said as I got off of him. I started to grab all of the stuff on the floor.

"Oh I guess I'll go check to see if she's waiting by your dorm," he said as he got up to help collect all the papers and books off the floor.

Luckily, I found everything that belonged to me. I waved good bye to Greg before turning around and headed for the science wing. Hold on, Ashley and Dylan are alone in my dorm. Who knows what Sam will do if she saw them together.

"Wait! You might want to run over to my dorm quickly because I left Ashley and Dylan alone. Sam might do something she might regret later," I said turning around towards Greg.

He nodded before running the opposite direction of where I was going. I wonder if he'll make it in time or will he find Dylan fighting off Sam on the floor. Oh well, I'll find out later but right now I have a very impatient professor waiting for me.


Stupid old man wants me to lay low? He didn't exactly give me a certain number of days to stay hidden. The longer I wait the harder it's going to be to get close to my sister. They probably increased campus security by now. I shouldn't have called him but I figured he needed to know that his ex-wife and the doctor was gone.

I paced back and forth, wondering what the hell I should do to pass the time. I was tempted to call him again to ask him if I can go back to what I was doing. If he thinks I'm going to be his little minion, he has another thing coming.

"Open up! It's the police!" Oh crap.

I ran to the door to look through the peep hole and three men in uniform were waiting for me to open the door. If they really think I'm going to open the door just so they can take me back to that hell hoe, then they are plain stupid.

I looked around the room, wondering what I should do. The window in the bathroom seemed like a good idea. The problem is that I can't get through the small opening. I looked up to curse god for making me too big for small windows, when I noticed the tiles on the ceiling. I'm sure if I jumped up to move one, there will be enough room for me to fit.

"We're giving you one more chance before we barge in!"

Seriously, do they think I am scared of them? Well I am but only because they can take me to jail but that doesn't mean I wouldn't put up a fight. I got on the bed and jumped up to move one of the tiles in the ceiling. When it was pushed all the way to the side, I jumped a few more times before grabbing the edge and pulled myself up.

I had moved the tile back in it's place right when the cops barged in with their guns raised. I don't think they're smart enough to look up here. I hope the ceiling can hold my weight long enough for them to leave.

"Do you think he could have gone through the window to escape?" Come on! That window is too small for me!

"I'm not sure but let's search the property for any sign of him." Awesome! They're leaving sooner than I thought.

After looking around and through my stuff, they left with my stuff and apologized to the manager for breaking the door. I think I found my way to get in and out of the school without being noticed. Looks like I won't be laying low much longer. I can be just as smart as my sister.

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