Ch. 8 The Truth

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When I woke up, the sun was shining through the window. I slept the whole night away? The last thing I remembered was crying and Taylor. Damn, I must have looked so vulnerable in front of him. He's bound to use that against me some day.

I sat up on my bed and realized that my clothes from yesterday were still on me. This calls for a nice warm shower. I glanced at the clock to check the time, still had an hour before my first class started which was at eight. Taylor was still asleep on his bed and drooling a little bit.

My books were still in Holly's dorm and I needed them if I planned on getting my homework done by the end of the week. So I got off my bed and headed for my closet to grab some clothes. A pair of jeans and a blouse would do. When I had my clothes picked out, it was time for a short but warm shower. I should have enough time to stop by Holly's dorm, grab the book, and then head for my first class.

It looked like Taylor would have to rely on his alarm he had set up on his cell phone. I have a feeling the dork will turn it off and go right back to sleep and end up missing his morning classes. It would be a waste of time waking him up now because he kicks me. I don't feel like dodging his legs today.

When I got into the shower, the warm water felt like it was washing away everything that I had felt yesterday. Today was a new day and I was not about to waste it by thinking about stupid Dylan. I don't even know what I would do if I ended up seeing him today. I just might punch him for making feel weak. There I go again, I need to stop thinking about him.

After spending time in the shower, I got out and dried myself before getting dressed. All that was left to do in the bathroom was brush my teeth. When that was done, I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed some socks from my dresser. Taylor was in a different position and snoring way too loud.

I grabbed my shoes and slipped them on. The clock read 7:30 am which meant I had thirty minutes before class started. It shouldn't take me long to get to the dorm and grab my books. She better answer the door when I knock.

It took me a few minutes to get to her dorm. I knocked on her door, not even bothering to do the special know. What's the point when Victor knew it? He knew her too well and she should have known that but she's been too busy with Taylor. I don't even know why they've been keeping it a secret. It didn't look like Greg and Sam caught on their relationship like I did.

There was no answer so i knocked again. I don't have time to stand here and wait on her to get up. I'll give her another two minutes before I just give up and head to class early. Come on Holly, get off your butt and answer the door.

The door finally opened and Holly came stumbling out of her dorm. She looked like she was in a hurry. It couldn't have anything to do with Taylor because that guy is snoring away the day.

"Oh my god! Ashley I almost ran into you! I'm sorry," she said, trying to put her shoes on.

"It's okay. Where are going in such a hurry anyway?" I asked, glancing at the clock on my phone. I'd hate to be late for class.

"Oh I sort of gotten in trouble in my first class so my professor wants me in class early to help set up labs before everyone shows up. Did you need something,?" she explained, fixing her clothes.

"I left some books in your dorm and I need them for homework," I said, keeping track of the time.

"Oh yeah they're still in my room but I don't think you should go snooping around my dorm though," she said nervously while glancing over her shoulder. She's acting weird now.

"Why not? It's not like I haven't been in there before. I'll be quick because I know what I'm working for," I said hoping she would change her mind.

She sighed and muttered something under her breathe before moving out of my way. She gave me her key and walked away. Yeah she's acting weird all of the sudden. I'll have to ask her about what happened later today. I walked in and started to search her side of the room.

"Couldn't keep away from me much longer?"

I know that voice too well. This day is starting out terrible for me.


I heard the whole conversation between Holly and Ashley. If it wasn't for me, Holly would have stood up her professor and gotten into more trouble. She had told me every little thing that happened over the years so we ended up going to bed a little too late.

It had suddenly gotten quiet and Ashley walked into our dorm and went straight to Holly's bed searching for something. I know the words that come out of my mouth right now are being said at the wrong time but I couldn't help myself. I guess part of the old me still exists.

"Couldn't keep away from me much longer?" I should have kept my mouth shut.

Ashley froze when she heard my voice. I got off my bed, ready to stop her from running away from me. She needed to hear me out before she started throwing punches and saying things I knew she didn't really mean. I don't care if she ends up missing a class or two, she's going to listen to what I have to say.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, keeping her back to me. I wish she would turn around and actually face me.

"I'm Holly's new roommate. I think we should talk, don't you?" I said hoping she would actually stay on her own. I'd hate to tie her to the bed in order to keep her here.

She ignored me and went back to searching under Holly's bed. Okay so I deserve the treatment I'm getting but can't she just give me a chance to explain what I've been up to and why? I have so much to say to her and apologize for.

"Come on Ashley, what I've been doing all this time is for you. Is it so wrong that I wanted to make sure you would be safe from Ben? I don't want what happened three years ago repeat and end up losing you," I explained as I walked across the dorm. I wanted to hug her so bad but I figured she would push me away.

She stopped what she was doing when she sensed how close I was to her. She kept her back to me so I grabbed her and turned her around. I wanted to see those green eyes that I loved and missed so much. She had no idea how much I missed her.

"You could have told me. I thought you were still in a coma and I was actually starting to hate your mother," she said as tears were forming in her eyes. She was right, I could have told her but I thought it was for the best. I was wrong.

Tears were falling down her face. I wiped them away with my thumbs. I had the urge to kiss her. I glanced at her lips, debating on what to do. It would be worth it if she ended up pushing me away. I still would have gotten the kiss but it would mean more if she accepted my action.

After what felt like hours, I kissed her. This was a important kiss because I wanted to put everything I felt into it. She needed to know how I felt, she deserved to know. Ashley stood there shocked at what I had done but before she could do something about it, I was pulled away from her.

When I saw who pulled me away, it was too late. They had punched me in the face, causing me to fall back on the ground where they kicked me in the stomach. I know I deserved it but i hurt like hell.

"No one said you can kiss her jerk face!"

I can't catch a break.

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