Ch. 5 Coming Clean

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okay i finally got a new chapter up. I decided to just stick with one update a week. It's just easier that way especially when I have 3 other stories I'm updating. So this is in Ashley's point of view only.



I always ask my friends to stick with me during my depressed mode. It's been three years so I need to move on. There's other guys that are interested, granted I've rejected them all to the point that every single guy at this school decided to not bother with me. I think the next guy that asks me out, I'll say yes to him and see how it goes. I hope I don't regret it though.

The door on the left side of the school was locked so I had to walk around the side of the  school to get to the front doors. I switched the library books to my other arm because they were so heavy. I was almost to the front of the school when I see a guy climb out of a window and jump on a tree. He looked familiar but I couldn't't get a good look at the guy. I hid behind another tree to see if I could see who he was without having to ask him.

When he jumped down from the tree, he turned to his right and ran off towards the front gate. It's no wonder he looked familiar, it was Holly's twin brother. That window was probably in Holly's dorm. As soon as Victor passed the front gate, I ran to the front doors to find Holly and demand to know what the hell is going on.

"Why the hell did I just see Victor jump off a tree near your window Holly?!" I yelled as soon as I walked into Holly's dorm.

I didn't think I would find two campus security guards unconscious on the ground. I guess my eyes were not playing tricks on me when I saw a irritated Victor run off. I guess his little plan wasn't successful. If he's here then does that mean Ben is somewhere around here too?

"Well it looks like he got a get out of jail free card," Taylor said chuckling nervously. Oh he's just a laughing riot. This is not the time to joke around.

"I'm really not in the mood to deal with you right now. Now someone start explaining," I said getting my cell phone out to call more campus security guards. Someone has to take the two unconscious bodies to see the nurse or maybe the hospital.

As soon as I hanged up on the secretary in the front office, everyone started to talk at the same time. Well that is not going to get us anywhere.

"Will you guys talk one at a time! I can't understand any of you this way!"

"Victor knew my secret knock!"

"Security guards here are terrible against a trained professional like Victor!"

"Dylan said Ben pulled some strings to get Victor out of prison sooner!"

I know I said they should talk one at a time but i figured one person would explain what happened. I didn't really care how they explained but what really caught my attention is what Greg said about Dylan. He's unconscious in a bed somewhere with his mom and probably that doctor. There was no way he could be awake, his mom promised she would send him back when it was safe. It's been freaking safe for three freaking years!

"What did you just say Greg?" I said surprised to hear new information about Dylan. I can't believe he's been awake and talking to Greg.

"Okay I can't lie to you guys anymore. It was slowly eating at me inside. Dylan has been talking to me since he woke up soon after his mom moved them to New York," Greg explained as looked down at the floor. I never knew that he was capable of lying.

"New York?! My stupid cousin has been in New York all this time?! Greg what the hell?! When I'm done killing you and dumping your body in a ditch, I'm going to hunt down that idiot in New York and do the same to him except I'm going to torture him first!" Sam yelled as she balled her fist. She is scary when she's pissed off.

"Sam I'm sorry I lied to you but I promised Dylan that I wouldn't say a word. You know I keep my promises when it comes to my friends," Greg said as he cautiously walked over to a angry Sam. He's a guy. I wouldn't dare go near her now.

"So all this time those phone calls you had were from Dylan? How come he didn't want to talk to me?" I muttered as I looked down at the library books in my arms. He sure has a funny way of showing he loves me. I figured he couldn't wait to come back. I guess he moved on to some party girl he met. Those were his type of girls in high school.

It was silent for a few minutes until we heard a knock at the door. Two campus security guards walk in. We're going to have to explain this to the Dean now. We watched as the two buff men grabbed the unconscious men and walked out of the room without a word to any of us.

"I want to talk to him, now," I said glaring at Greg. Victor ran off so I doubt he'll try another attempt today. We have to get Dylan on the phone and make him explain himself while he's safe in stupid New York. Once I see him in person I am so going to kick his ass for lying to us.

"Shouldn't we go see the Dean and tell him that Victor came back?" Holly said looking at me and then at Greg.

Sam was busy staring angrily at the wall. Greg was looking around, clearly uncomfortable as I continue to glare. Taylor seemed to be feeling a bit awkward. I don't blame him. He only knows bits and pieces of what happened three years ago. I guess it's time that he knew the whole story.

"Um I think Holly and I will go to the front office to see what the Dean will do about Victor's return, right Holly?" Taylor said as he grabbed Holly's hand and headed for the door. Well I guess the mystery guy isn't a mystery afterall. What Holly sees in a man whore like Taylor, I have no idea.

"It might be hard to contact Dylan at the moment," Greg said as he pulled his cell phone out. He better have a damn good reason. A brand new school year has just started and it's starting get really stressful with all this stupid drama going on. I want to graduate college with no Victor and Ben.

"Why?" Sam asked when she calmed down. I almost forgot she was in the room.

"Because he's probably on his way back here already. He needed to check on his mom and dad first. Ashley, he's been on the move all this time. He was tailing Ben because he wanted to get rid of him for good. He told me to not tell you because he wanted you to go on with life without worrying about him and Ben," Greg explained as he paced back and forth in front of us.

All this time he was alive and well. I can't believe he thought he was doing the right thing by keeping me in the dark. Did he not know how heartbroken I was after he disappeared? I just decided today to get over him and move on. What the hell do I do when he gets here? I don't know if I want to kiss him or slap him.

"Just call him. If he doesn't answer, leave a message telling him that he better watch his back when he gets here because we're not happy with him lying to us," I said as I switched the books to my other arm. I really should put them down somewhere.

Greg sighed before dialing Dylan's phone number. Suddenly we heard a ring tone outside the door. Someones cell phone was ringing in the hallway. Crap! What if this person was eavesdropping on our conversation?!

I dropped my books on Holly's bed and walked out the room to confront our little spy. I stopped in my tracks when I realized who it was. He looked taller, more handsome and worn out. I must be dreaming because I only see him in my dreams now a days.

"Hey Ash, missed me? I sure missed you."

Dylan Haines is officially back. He should have stayed in New York.

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