Ch. 10 Secret

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I had spent the whole day in my dorm. Classes didn't seem to be important at the time so I skipped all of them. My mind went over what had happened with Dylan. If Sam didn't show up, I think I would have forgave him for everything right then and there. There is no harm in forgiving easily right?

"So are you ever going to tell me what happened?"

I looked up from one of the library books I had checked out for a class. Taylor was standing in the bathroom doorway with his arms crossed on his chest. It was nine o'clock at night and I wasn't really paying attention to what I was reading. Dylan never seems to leave my mind.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Don't you have someone to hook up with or something?" I said calmly, hoping he would just leave me alone.

"Actually I'm not that type of guy anymore. I do have somewhere to be though. Don't change the subject. Tell me what has you in here all day?" he said, sitting on my bed. This guy has been acting weird lately.

"It's nothing I can't handle. I just need some alone time to think things over. So where are you off to?" I said, as I closed the book I was reading.

When Taylor was about to answer, my cell phone began to ring. Who would call me this late? The increase in security has everyone scared to go out at night so it couldn't be anyone from school. I grabbed my cell phone and realized my parents were calling me. It must be something important if they're calling me this late.

I stared at my phone a few seconds, trying to figure out what they needed to tell me. They seemed normal before I left the house to come back here. I pressed the green button on the my phone and put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I was answered with screaming from my mom.

"Ashley, we have some great news!" It must be some awesome news if she has to scream.

"Really? What is it?" I was getting excited. I wouldn't mind having a little brother or sister.

"We've decided to quit our jobs and do some traveling!" I was hoping for a sibling.

"Why the sudden idea?" It would have been nice if we went together.

"Well you're finishing college so you'll be out on your own soon so we figured it was time to do something spontaneous for once." I guess it makes sense.

"It would be good for you guys to get away for a while. So I hope you have fun."  I wish I can have fun.

"We don't want to leave without saying good bye so we're stopping by in the morning okay?" Wonderful. My parents are coming for a short visit.

"That sounds good mom. I'll see you guys in the morning." Looks like I'm skipping my morning classes again.

"Okay sweetie. Good night."

I said good night to my mom before hanging up. Taylor left sometime during the conversation with my mother. He'll be bugging me about what's going on tomorrow. I took a quick shower and changed into some pajamas. If my parent's were coming in the morning, I had to wake up early so going to bed early seems like a good idea.

I set my alarm to wake me up at seven before slipping into the covers and closed my eyes. It was a long day and all I wanted to do was sleep it all away.


I've never been on a date before. I thought it was a waste of time until Holly came around. I wonder if everyone is noticing how I am changing. I don't go out to clubs or hook up with random girls anymore. I like this new change especially since Ashley sees me as more of a friend than a enemy. I need her to see me as a friend if I plan on telling her who I am

"Tonight was great. I don't know how long we can keep this quiet though. Why can't we go public?" I asked, tired of hiding our relationship.

"Well you said it yourself that you are known for using girls so I thought we could protect both of us by hiding this," Holly said, while walking along side me. I was walking her to her dorm. I wouldn't want her brother popping up.

"I know I said that but I don't want to hide this. This is good and I want everyone to know that I'm taken and to back the hell off," I said, as we stopped in front of her dorm.

"Well if you feel that way then we should tell everyone tomorrow," she said, turning her head to hide the fact that she was blushing. She's too cute when she blushes.

I grinned at her before kissing her good night. I stuck around until she walked into her dorm. Is it wrong to not leave her alone for long because I was afraid that her brother would come and try to grab her again? For once I'm actually glad that Dylan was her new roommate. I may hate the guy for what he did to Ashley but I'm happy to have another guy keeping an eye on her.

When I got back to the dorm, Ashley was already asleep. I was tempted to eavesdrop on her conversation with one of her parents. It wouldn't be right to do that so I left a few minutes early for the date with Holly. I slipped off my shoes and went straight for my bed.

In the morning, I was met with cold water on my face and some giggling from Ashley. What the hell has gotten into her? She knows not to mess with me in the morning. I'm a hitter when someone tries to wake me up. I like how she was staying away after pouring cold water on me though.

"Why are you waking me up? You know how I love sleeping until I had twenty minutes to get to class," I said, taking my shirt off. I'm going to need new sheets and a shower.

"Well my parents are going to be here soon so I thought you could be up earlier today. I'd hate to have my parents see you drooling on your pillow," Ashley said, putting down the empty cup. I don't know if I should be here when her parents show up.

"I hope you got a good laugh because I'm getting you back for that. I guess I'll be leaving for class early today thanks to you," I said, getting up from my now wet bed.

"I did get a good laugh. You should have seen your face. It was hilarious. Oh I wanted you here so you could meet my parents," she said, as she handed me a towel..

I froze. She wanted me to meet her parents? I don't exactly have a good excuse to get out of it. What do I do if they recognize me? I'd hate for Ashley to find out because her parents assume she knows or something. It's better to come up with an excuse to avoid seeing them.

"I don't think I'll be able to meet them. I just remembered I had to go to the library," I said, grabbing some clothes to wear after my shower. I hope that excuse works.

"Since when do you go to the library for anything? You can stay a few minutes and then leave," she said, as she followed me to the bathroom. I hope she's not planing to follow me inside.

"Fine. I'll stay but there's something I need to tell you before I meet your parents." It's now or never. Here comes the truth.

"Well tell me then because my parents will be here before you know it," she said as she crossed her arms on her chest. I hope she doesn't hate me for pretending to be someone else.

I was about to tell her everything when there was a knock on the door. Well I know I should have thought of what to say before blurting it out but I needed her to know before her parents saw me.

"I'm your brother!" I should have said half brother about five minutes ago. Damn my timing sucks.

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