Ch. 18 So Close To Freedom

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"Damn it! Taylor you shot me in the damn leg!"

"I'm sorry!"

I looked over my shoulder and sighed in relief. No one was going to die today. Dylan was on the floor looking at his injured right leg. Taylor had punched Ben and ran over to Dylan to help him. In the corner of my eye I could see a dazed Ben grab the gun beside him. I opened my mouth to yell for the guys to stop Ben from shooting them until he aimed the gun in my general direction.

My eyes went wide and I immediately went back to getting away from the the room. We started to drag Victor to the nearest patrol car where two police officers started to walk toward us to give us a hand. We didn't get far when I heard another gun shot.

I seemed to have been safe. Victor was covered in bruises and cuts but he didn't have any new injuries. It was when I looked over at Holly did I realize that Ben managed to accomplish what he wanted. She had fallen to the floor clutching the left side of her body where blood was staining the shirt she was wearing.

"Ashley? I think Ben shot me."

I handed over Victor to the two police officers and went to Holly. I tried to keep myself from crying as I put pressure on the wound. This is the exact thing I didn't want to happen. Paramedics immediately rushed to help her and told me to give them some room.

"It's going to be okay Holly. These people will take care of you." I said, as I got up to get out of the paramedic's way. She'll be okay, she has to be.

"You bastard!" I heard Taylor yell from inside the motel room.

We were still in front of the door of the motel room but much farther than before. I had made the mistake of looking inside to find my brother punching Ben repeatedly. It looked like Ben was too out of it to fight back. If Taylor continued on punching, he was probably going to end up killing him.

The police had rushed into the room when they were sure no more shots were going to be fired. It took a lot of the guys to pull my angry brother off of Ben. When the paramedics had Holly in a stretcher, Taylor ran out of the room and went to stay with Holly. I just stood there, wondering if I should be eavesdropping on their moment.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you." Taylor said, as he held Holly's hand. He didn't let go of her hand until the paramedics had to put her inside the ambulance. My poor brother is going to blame himself for this, I know it.

The two police officers that had Victor left a few minutes before the ambulance did. I guess they were going to take him to the hospital since there was only one ambulance here. As soon as the ambulance turned the corner, I went to find Dylan. He was waiting in the passenger seat of a car. It was probably either his or stolen. I guess I'll be the one driving him to the hospital.

When I slipped into the driver seat, I immediately grabbed Dylan and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. I pulled away and started the car. Dylan looked a little pale from the loss of blood so I rushed to the hospital. The entire drive was filled with silence and I welcomed it with open arms.


It happened so fast. One minute I was wrestling Ben for the gun and the next minute Holly is on the floor with a bullet inside her. I knew Ashley liked the silence but I was dying to ask how she was. I didn't know if she was freaking out that the twins were in the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital, she got out of the car and helped me inside the hospital. She left me seating in a chair while she went off to find someone to help me. I stared at the injured leg. It was a good thing that Taylor managed to accidentally pull the trigger below the belt. I could have died if the gun was aimed any higher.

"Dylan Haines? Can you sit in the wheel chair so we can take a look at your leg?" a nurse asked, as she moved the wheel chair closer to me.

Ashley was standing behind her. I could tell she wanted to cry but she held it in. She probably wanted to let it out when she was sure that everyone was taken care of. I bet Sam is going crazy because no one has called her.

"Hey Ash can you make sure you call Sam and Greg?"

She nodded and went to the desk near by. The nurse took me to a room and told me to get on the bed. My leg hurt like hell with every movement I made with it. I figured I would be in surgery but this time I know I won't come out unconscious which is a plus. I wonder how Holly and Victor are doing?


I glared at my cell phone every time I walked by it. Someone needed to call me before I decided to throw my cell phone out the darn window. I was pacing back and forth. Greg was reading a magazine. How can he be so calm during a time like this?!

"Glaring isn't going to make the phone ring any faster you know."

"Shut up! What if something bad happened to them?!"

"I'm sure you will be the first to know. You need to calm done. Pacing isn't helping anyone."

I turned to glare at him but he wouldn't know because he was busy with his damn magazine. I continued with my pacing, not caring if it didn't help anyone. It's helping me not kill anyone in this damn place. When my ring tone came on, I grabbed my phone and answered without looking at the caller id. This better be one of them telling me they're on their way back to the school.

"Sam? It's Ashley."

"Where the hell are you? I've been worried sick about you!"

"Well it's a long story. When you get to the hospital, I'll explain everything."

"We'll be there in a few minutes tops."

When she mentioned the hospital, all sorts of scenarios played in my mind. It was three years ago all over again! I hung up on her and put my cell phone inside my pocket. I turned to Greg and grabbed the magazine. I threw it on the bed and pulled him off his bed. He looked at me confused before I pulled him to the door. No one better be dying, unless it was Ben. I would careless if that piece of crap was dying from a gun shot or cancer.

"Where are we going?"


"What happened?"

"I don't know."

"I'm sure everyone is okay."

"I hope you're right."

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