Ch. 19 Hospital Blues

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A month went by and we spent more time at the hospital than at school. Holly was discharged from the hospital after recovering from the gun shot wound. Victor was still recovering from the beating that Ben gave him. He was unconscious and there was no sign of him ever waking up.

The doctor had explained to Holly that Victor had many broken bones and a concussion. He also said that if he fought back, he wouldn't be unconscious. I found that weird, Victor couldn't have just sat there and let Ben hit him. Holly was the only one that would know what happened while I was out cold but I didn't want to both her about it. I wouldn't want her to relive what she saw.

Ashley had been fussing over me. She didn't like how I was always up and about with crutches. I was finally able to convince her to let me come to the hospital to check on Victor alone. Since the hospital only allowed two visitors at a time, I was stuck in the waiting room until Taylor decided he needed a bathroom break. I knew Holly would never leave her brother's side.

"Are you Dylan Haines?"

I looked up from a sports magazine I was reading. A man dressed in jeans and a t-shirt was staring down at me. I didn't recognize him from anywhere so I was confused. He didn't look like a doctor or a nurse.


He sat down in a chair next to me and took off his black sunglasses. He looked around the room before looking at me. This guy is a bit weird. Who the hell is this dude?

"You're the one that was following Mr. Haines?"

I blinked. How did he know about that? I didn't tell anyone about it except Greg. This better not be one of Ben's clients. I can't exactly fight off the guy with my injury. The crutches were still a bit hard to use. I'm not use to them since Ashley doesn't allow me to walk anywhere much.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

He narrowed his eyes at me. He knows I'm lying. Well the guy knows my name and what my hobby was before I came back here so I guess lying isn't the way to go. It was worth a try though.

"We have him in custody and would like to confiscate everything you have regarding Benjamin Haines," he explained, glancing at a guy that walked into the room.

Custody? Does that mean this guy is a cop? Every now and then, he would look around the room like he was paranoid or something. I don't think a cop acts like he's being watched.

"You tell me what you want but you fail to tell me who the hell you are. I'm not giving you anything until I know for a fact that you don't work for Ben," I said, glaring at the guy. We made the mistake of trusting the twins once and that didn't end well.

He smirked and reached inside one of his back pockets. He pulled out a black wallet and handed it to me. I stared at it a few seconds before grabbing it and opening it. There was a picture of the guy and had F.B.I. all over it. This was a badge and apparently Frank Delgado worked for the government. Well that explains why he knew so much about Ben and me.

"I don't exactly tell people who I am unless they ask. Can't exactly tell every single person I meet that I'm a F.B.I. agent. I might end up dead because of it."

I guess that made since. I gave the badge back to him, still a bit confused about him needing everything I had on Ben. I'm sure they had plenty of evidence to stick him into prison and never come out.

I had planned on giving the police everything I had on Ben so there wouldn't be anyway he could buy his way out of prison. If the F.B.I. was watching him, they probably had more evidence on him so I wouldn't be needed.

"So are you going to hand over what you have? We need it in order to keep the bastard in prison for life. He went under the radar for so long that we don't have enough evidence to put him away. Victor is unconscious so we can't get him to testify."

Well I guess they need me after all. I'll do anything to get him out of our lives for good. I just want one thing in return. I wonder if this guy could get me a meeting with Ben. There are just too many questions going through my head. He needed to answer them.

"When should I meet up with you?"


Holly was spending another day with her brother and I gladly tagged along. I was afraid to let her go off alone after what happened a month ago. I don't like being the overprotective boyfriend but I can't help it. She has no idea what went through my mind when I saw her fall to the ground that day. All I saw was red. I didn't care if I was going to do time for killing the bastard, I just wanted him dead.

"You don't have to stay with me you know. I'm sure you have better things to do," Holly said, as she grabbed Victor's hand.

I didn't like the idea of leaving her but I figured she wanted to be alone with him. We were already here for five hours and all I did was watch her as she talked to him like he was awake. I did need a cup of steaming hot coffee.

"I don't have anything better to do but I do feel thirsty so I'll leave you alone for half an hour okay?" I said, as I stood up from the chair next to her.

She nodded and went back to talking to Victor. I kissed her head and headed for the door. I knew Dylan was around here somewhere. He had sent me a text about coming to check up on Victor's condition. He couldn't go in the room unless Holly or I left. This was his chance to go see him.

Before heading for the front entrance, I went to the nearest waiting room. I would feel better about leaving her if he was with her. When I walked into the waiting room, I found Dylan with a man. When they shook hands, I walked up to them.

"Hey Dylan, I'm going to be gone for awhile so you can go stay with Holly and Victor," I said, glancing at the guy next to Dylan. I didn't recognize him.

"Okay, I'll go see how they're doing and then I have to head back to school. I have something important to do," he said, as he grabbed his crutches and stood up.

The guy that was sitting next to Dylan grabbed the magazine Dylan had and started to read it. I guess there will be no introduction then? I'll have to ask Dylan what was going on before I walked in.

I followed Dylan out of the waiting room and went toward the front entrance. The coffee at the hospital was terrible so I decided to go get it somewhere else. If Dylan was leaving as soon as he talked to Holly then I would have to hurry back. I don't want to leave her alone for too long.

I was tempted to skip the coffee and head for the police station to have a few words with Ben. A part of me wanted to rip his head off while the other part just wants him to go away for good. I should have hit him until I was sure he was dead. If only the police didn't pull me off of him. He was lucky that all I did was bruise him and break his nose.

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