Chapter 6

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While banner and stark are talking in the lab, and Thor is doing who knows what, Loki sits down in his new room, it's a lot better then his cell back in Asgard but it doesn't feel like home, actually nothing feels like home anymore no matter the decor or size it's just not the same as it was a few hundred years ago. The only thing that made him truly happy was his mother, if you asked the god he would deny being a total mommas boy, but it was clear that Loki followed his mother around like a baby duckling or a puppy. When he was young, Frigga would show Loki small spells like creating fire works out of the palm of her hand the boy would watch in awe and practice for hours, she always came to him with small flashy spells and  Loki would giggle and tell his mother that he wished to be just like her one day. She would always smile back and say "your more like me then you know my love I'm proud of the boy your becoming" he longed to be 110 again, to have his mother care for him again, to have his mother again. Odin wasn't a horrible father but he was absent, always and when he had any free time at all his attention was always on Thor, his older brother always talked about being the king of Asgard and how he wanted to be worthy, this made Loki angry Becuase he felt like Thor's Desires were selfish, why did Thor have to be the king WHY DID EVERY ONE BELIVE IN THOR AND MAKE A MOCKERY OF ME?! I hate to admit that it just wasn't fair, Big deal Thor's older and stronger but he matters to right?
Loki whines and try's to stop thinking about his past, sure it doesn't seem to bad but it hurt him bad he was lied to for 1000s of years and was never treated equal to his brother, his fathers harsh words of "encouragement", and just the feeling of being unloved sucked. The whole reason he let the frost giants into Asgard was because he wanted to prove he was worthy enough to take them down all bye himself, he wanted the attention he never got but who saved the day? Thor. Stupid perfect thor.

‼️Mention of murder and weapons‼️

Loki stands up with anger in his veins and paces around the room. Gods I wish Odin never found me, I wish I killed Thor, I wish I was stronger and more powerful I wish I was good for something. He punches the wall. And hard then stomps out of his and Tony's room. He mutters to himself "I'll just kill him now I'll do it while he's vulnerable" he steps into the empty kitchen and rummages through drawers and picks up a pocket knife. He doesn't understand his sudden urge to hurt his brother but there's nothing convincing him to stop. He tucks the knife into his pocket and walks to Thor's chamber. He clears his throat to try to make thor think he's still into child like state. He knocks. Thor opens the door "hello brother" Loki gives no answer and holds his arms out and his lip quivers. Thor picks him up "shh don't cry your safe, can you tell me what's wrong buddy?" Loki let's out a fake sob and burries his face in Thor's chest. Thor pats his back "brother I'm not sure what's going on with you lately but it hurts to see you sad, would you like to stay with your big brother until you feel better?" Loki nods and sniffles. Thor assumed that his brother is cursed or something so he's not alarmed bye the new behavior. Loki squeaks out "Thor" "yes brother" Loki fake sobs again and looks at him "I miss mother.." he puts his hand in his pocket and holds the knife discreetly. Thor nods "me too Brother" loki decides this is the best time to do it and starts to plunge the knife into Thor's chest but the second the knife comes in contact with Thor's skin, the braclet Loki was forced to wear sends shocks through the god of mischiefs body and he falls to the ground in pain before completely blacking out.

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