Chapter 7

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Tony walks into Thor's room after seeing an alert that's Loki tried to harm someone, "hey point break you hurt?" Thor shakes his head and picks his younger brother up off the floor. "Man of iron I really thought he was getting better, what happened?" Tony shrugs and sighs "banner was watching Loki through the cameras and he looked like he was having a melt down before he came in here, muttering to himself about hating that no one loved him just you, which I'm going to assume was the random act of violence" Thor sighs "he's always been so jealous of me I don't understand why tho." Tony shrugs "I have no idea, but other then him almost plunging a knife in your chest, I found some good news" "oh? What is it man of iron" tony sits on the gods bed. "Your brother actually isn't cursed, or under a spell he's what google explained to me as an age regressor, Steve said it's probably do to neglect as a child, his jealousy of you Becuase he thought frigga and Odin didn't love him, the stress of living up to your fathers expectations, even truama from the multiple wars and fights, and explained that Loki needed a way to cope or he wouldn't be here right now" Thor nods, "I'm glad he's not cursed but I don't understand what age regression is could you explain man of iron?" Tony nods "basically google says that Age regression occurs when you mentally retreat to an earlier age so In most if not all ways, you believe you're back at that point in your life, and you may exhibit childish behaviors, too. Like how lokis voice was higher and his words weren't said right, how he was crying ect. Some people choose to revert to a younger age. In this case, it can be a coping mechanism to help them relax and eliminate stress."  Thor thinks for a minute "oh ok I think I understand" he holds his brother in his arms still rocking him slightly. "Hey point break even though we understand that what's going on with loki, we still don't know that he's not dangerous, he litterally tried to stab you..maybe we can keep him "grounded" for a bit, we can handcuff him and force him to stay in our bedroom until he proves he's capable of being around others." Thor nods and stands up "let's go then" Tony and Thor walk to Loki and Tony's shared room and put handcuffs on the passed out boy. "Well it's supposed to be a punishment right? Maybe we take the bed out and leave him just the blanket and pillow, no tv privilege, obviously no magic, and no getting to leave unless told other wise at least until he apologizes, we're not cruel" Tony nods "sounds good point break, do you think you can pull the bed out of here?" Thor nods and Tony picks up Loki so thor can move the bed

We're gunna time skip cuz I'm the author and I say so hehe

Loki's pov:
My head is pounding, my limbs hurt, everything is black, THOR! he opens his eyes in a panic and scans his surroundings he goes to stand but finds he's chained down. Then Tony steps over him and pokes his head "you up loki" Loki squirms "WHERES THOR LEMME GO" Tony raises an eye brow "why so you can stab him again" Loki whines "is he ok? Tell him I'm sorry, actually don't tell him I'm sorry" "aww reindeer games are you scared to show that you actually care about him" Loki rolls his eyes "let me go these chains hurt there digging into my skin" Loki actually wasn't lying for once like stark thought, the chains Tony used are hurting him, the edges are sharp and making him bleed. "Yeah no thanks I don't think I belive you, I'll let you out if you tell me the honest truth about something." Loki groans. "What do you want stark I don't have to answer"

"Are you a little?"

Loki stares at him. "No." Tony looks skeptical. "Are you a little." Loki squirms trying to get out of the chains. "I'm not telling you anything why should I" Tony groans "if you tell the truth, you can live here in the tower, we would be able to care for you and get you anything you need, any bottle, pacifier, toy, anything you could want if you admit your just a baby who needs a home a family, and we will be your family, Banner and I could even be your care takers, but if you lie you can stay locked up here for the rest of your sad life, alone." Loki looks down. Tony sighs and takes off the chains and hand cuffs, "I'll be down stairs if you decide to make up your mind kid." Tony gets up and walks out shutting the door behind him. Loki was torn, he didn't wanna seem weak and vulnerable but..he wanted to be loved and cared for, he wanted someone to tell him it's ok and that he's strong..but he would be giving up all of his ways to live with hero's.

Loki sat in his room for about an hour just thinking to himself, but he was all done thinking. He scanned the room for a clock and stared at the one on Tony's night stand, the clock read 6:31 pm, that meant it was dinner time but Loki didn't wanna wait, he knew if he sat around any longer he would change his mind, so he got up and opened the door and walked down stairs to the main kitchen area, Steve, Bucky, bruce, Clint, Natasha, Thor, and Tony were all standing around the table laughing eating and goofing off, no one really noticed Loki standing in the door way until he started walking towards the table, Steve looked at him and bruce waved but Tony didn't notice the boy, not until Loki tugged at his shirt and whines out "daddy" not caring who hears.

Aghh this chapter was a lot to right for me, I'm really bad at spelling and I loose motivation fest but I actually love writing this so much, please comment and let me know what you like and what I should work on!

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