xiv. Yrsa Goes For A Spin

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𖣯 ✹ 🌷(úlfheðnar) ꏍ !┈─❟
╰───►chapter fourteen; yrsa 
❝ yrsa goes for a spin! ❞

    YRSA was screaming her throat raw. 

    They shot up to the sky full vertical, wings flapping aggressively against the wind that pushed Yrsa backwards away from the safety of the saddle. The forest was soon nothing but a blur behind them, and the ocean surrounded the horizon's end. Yrsa had no time to admire the clouds that were tinted pink as she tried to find something━anything━to hold onto━

     Her legs and arms managed to wrap around Hiccup's waist and chest, clinging on like an animal as she buried her face into his back. She heard him shout━ "TOOTHLESS! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! BAD DRAGON!"

    They came to a stop up above the clouds, and Hiccup laughed nervously at the girl hiding her head amongst his hair and tunic. "Ahaha ... uh ... look, I really don't know what's happening━" Toothless tilted sideways and Hiccup's smile fell, "━oh, no..."


     Dropping down to the water, Yrsa closed her mouth just in time. Dunking under, her clothes and hair got instantly drenched to her skin. They went under, and up again, under and up, and under, and up, and under

     "Toothless!" Hiccup flicked his wet hair out of his eyes. "What are you doing?! We need her to like us!"

     Woosh! They were back up to the sky, and Yrsa was back to crying. They tilted again, and she heard Hiccup grumble, "And now, the spinning━" she continued to scream as they started to spin and spin and spin around, faster and faster until everything was a blur and she was feeling sick and she wanted to get off

     Hiccup was able to stay rather nonchalant throughout this whole ordeal. He even managed a sarcastic comment, "Thank you for nothing," he told Toothless, "you useless reptile."

     Yrsa sobbed into his fur vest, shaking her head━or maybe her entire body was trembling. This was it! She told herself. This is what I getthis is what my jealousy and anger gets meI'm going to die falling off a dragon I helped save

     They descended lower and lower back to the ocean, the wind making her hair fall out of its tight braids. "I'm sorry!" she cried, holding onto Hiccup tighter. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Was she apologising to Hiccup? To Toothless? To her father? To the gods? She didn't know. She was just sorry━for everything. All of her mistakes, all of her prideful and jealous actions. She was sorry. "I'm so sorry! You were right━you were right! I was jealous! I'm sorry! For it all! Now━please━just get me off!"

     Toothless's wings extended back out.

     They stopped falling.

     Yrsa didn't look. She was too scared to. She felt them drift up, slowing to a glide, but didn't dare look up from the satefy of Hiccup's tunic. She stayed clinging on, scared that when she'd open her eyes, she'd be dead. 

     It would make sense, wouldn't it? After everything. 

     But there was a tickle of wind against her cheeks, and her curiosity grew too much.

     Yrsa Olofsdotter opened her eyes, and she gasped. 

     In the setting sun below, the light reflected off the water cascaded the clouds in a delicate pink and orange. Yrsa was surrounded by them, fluffed like freshly cleansed wool, and looking even softer. 

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