xxx. Finding Beauty

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𖣯 ✹ 🌷(úlfheðnar) ꏍ !┈─❟
╰───►chapter thirty; hiccup
❝ finding beauty!

    HICCUP threw his father's hand away, stumbling away with his chest already erupting in fury. "Are you kidding me?!" he whispered as loud as he dared. There he was; Stoick the Vast in his fiery hair and beard, standing seven feet tall. Hiccup's father glowered at him, and he just glared back. He wasn't surprised━not by a long shot. He knew his father would follow him, and it angered him because it just reminded Hiccup of how he got here in the first place. Of how his father wouldn't listen to him━ever

     But there was one thing he was surprised by, and it made his anger falter just enough to exclaim, "How did you get in here?!"

     "The same way we're getting you out," grumbled Stoick, tugging Yrsa with him and passing HIccup his helmet. He clutched it to his chest, a frown on his face.


     "All clear!"

      Gobber poked his head out of the cave entrance amongst bright moss and ferns. Hiccup's shoulders slumped━no, he's not surprised by that, either. Then, Stoick grasped Hiccup's arm, too, and he and Yrsa were pulled along. 

     "Toothless, Helrose━come!"

     Hiccup struggled, glancing back at their dragons that followed, a little confused. He wanted to snap, to tell his father━just believe in me! I know what I'm doing! But then another thought hit him, and all that fury went dry. His stomach dropped, and what replaced it was a burst of nerves. "Uh━wait, wait━uh━wait━" 

     He stumbled along as they were dragged through the cave. Away from the hidden paradise and into went, slippery stone. "Okay━uh━Dad━there's━there's something you need to know━"

     "Yeah, yeah━" Stoick hoisted Yrsa up with one hand and plopped her down over the rocks and into the small landing below. "Tell me on the way."

      "Stoick," tried Yrsa, shuffling along, "it's━it's actually really important━" she almost tripped trying to walk backwards. "I wouldn't call it exactly an on the way kind of explanation━"

     "I've heard enough," ordered Stoick, pulling Hiccup along quicker so he was in front, too. He almost fell if Yrsa didn't grasp the sleeve of his tunic and kept him up. Their dragons tagged along, purring and warbling in bewilderment. 

     "But it's more━more of the earth-shattering━" went on Hiccup, trying to get his father to even open his ears for a second. Sometimes he wondered whether the sheer mass of his hair made him hard of hearing, "━development variety."

      "Yeah, just add it to the pile," he pushed past to squeeze through the narrow gap in the cave. He struggled to get through, but managed to reach the otherside. Hiccup and Yrsa caught up. They tried to go through the same time, shoulders hitting the stone before Yrsa blushed and stepped back, letting Hiccup go through first. 

      "Yeah, I━uh━um━" Hiccup hurried, almost slipping on his prosthetic. "Dad, unlike most surprises I spring on you━" Yrsa jumped down next to him. Behind them, Toothless tried to get through, but his head was to wide. He had to pull back and climb through sideway. Helrose copied, for no other reason than because Toothless did it, "━this is one you'll like, I promise!"

     His father ignored him, marching through the pathway he and Gobber had taken to get into here. Hiccup shared a nervous glance with Yrsa, and she pursed her lips, shrugging. He sighed, tugging at his hair. "Dad! You just have to handle it delicatey, so━" 

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