Book 1: Chapter 14

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"I'm so excited," Nikolai exclaimed. "I've been waiting for this moment for a long time." He gazed upon the beautiful city below from the eightieth-floor penthouse of West Tower in Xifeng Qu. It was the tallest residential building in Athenia, and stood opposite the country's economic centrepiece, East Tower, located on the other end of the city in Shangwu. The sun was now at its zenith, blanketing the island in a bright glow. The tall skyscrapers reflected the colourful blue sky. "But on the other hand," he continued, "it has only been a year or so. Your wait has been far more enduring."

In the room with him was the elderly president-to-be, along with Sabina and Aurelius. Using her ability, Tahlia had transported the trio to and from Government House in secrecy.

"Although," Nikolai said, "your involvement began last year, but I've wanted to run this country for some time. From the moment I first moved to Athenia, I knew that I never wanted to leave. It's far more hospitable than the vile, corrupt wasteland that is Alexa."

Sabina and Aurelius turned their heads to Nikolai, both gawking at him with blank expressions.

"Don't look at me like that," Nikolai defended. "I'm not going to deny the atrocities that our homeland has committed. No nation should claim rule over another sovereign state the way they do."

"You're referring to the war?" Sabina asked.

Nikolai frowned. "Of course I am. It sickens me. Don't think that I truly despise Alexa—I'll always have fond memories of living there—but I'm glad to be done with that country."

"Well, it's still my home," she said. "You shouldn't talk about it that way."

"Quite frankly, I don't care," Nikolai groaned. "Alexa was my home too, but its citizens were betrayed by their government. Surely someone such as yourself with an evolved mind can agree that the country has gone too far."

"No, I agree with the war."

Nikolai chuckled softly to himself. "Too many Alexans do. It's not a healthy attitude to adopt, and it's half the reason why I defected." He turned his gaze back to the city outside. "I'll never understand why they do it. Their desire for power was a catastrophic step in the wrong direction, and it will be their downfall."

Archie looked to the floor. He couldn't help but feel that Nikolai too had an unquenchable thirst for power, although it was certainly incomparable to the war happening a world away. Nevertheless, he wisely kept his thoughts to himself.

"And what of yourself, Your Excellency," Nikolai said, spinning around and facing Archie. "What's your opinion of the war between Alexa and Kaipura?"

Archie swallowed hard, despite the fact that Nikolai already knew his stance. "I'm opposed to it, like the other member states in the Union."

"That is the correct answer. The war is pointless; I won't stand for it. And I certainly look forward to your first global summit as president, as it will give you the perfect opportunity to voice your opinion."

"Absolutely. Although, the Union has condemned the war since it began, so I doubt my opinion will have much impact."

"I agree. The Alexans are too stubborn to listen to anyone else. Anyway, let us not discuss what's happening in the Federation any longer," Nikolai said, quickly changing his tone. He walked over to the elderly Archie and stood over him. "To our success," he said, raising up a glass of whiskey and tapping it against the old man's. "I rarely drink the substance as I believe it lacks the fraternal culture that is inherent of that of an ale, but I can't help but feel the need to celebrate my victory. So why wait?"

They both took a large gulp from their glasses and let the strong spirit course through their veins. Sabina resumed sitting idly, as did Aurelius. The pair barely even paid attention to their surroundings.

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