Book 2: Preview

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Nikolai strode proudly down the promenade, his hands placed respectfully behind his back. He kept his head up, basking in the beauty of the morning sun. Whenever a citizen turned their attention to him, he would look at them and offer a polite greeting. He was in an exceptionally good mood today, knowing that he was less than twenty-four hours away from becoming the nation's new ruler.

It pleased him all the more that he could sense Skye nearby. It was unlike his long-haired friend to arrive at Ying's coffeehouse before the great man, which only roused his curiosity even further. Why the early arrival, he thought to himself. Is Skye truly this eager for another meeting? Or is he perhaps just keen to slay me in public?

With each step Nikolai took, his smile grew wider. As he closed in on Skye's location, he could sense his friend's intent. As he had correctly surmised, Skye was intending to kill Nikolai.

A short distance away, he spotted the coffeehouse, his usual location of choice for his morning beverage. It often brought him comfort to sit on the promenade and gawk at the passersby; he was grateful for a lifestyle that meant he didn't have to aspire to be one of them. His time wasted as a businessman was now several lifetimes ago, and nothing more than a happy memory—happy because it proved to be the perfect stimulus he needed to drive himself to the current way of life he deemed to be somewhat satisfactory.

"There's no use hiding, Skye," he whispered to himself. He could sense that Skye was sheltered in an alleyway up ahead. Nikolai picked up his pace, curious to see what Skye had in store for him.

The moment Nikolai reached the opening of the alley, a steel blade swung out at him. Nikolai tilted his head right and narrowly avoided being sliced open by the weapon. He maintained his confident gait and resumed walking to Ying's.

Skye leapt out from the shadows, dissatisfied with his feeble attempt. He launched himself forward and held his sword outward, ready to drive it into his foe's back.

Nikolai spun around and grabbed the steel edge with one hand, and Skye's head with the other. Effortlessly, he threw Skye into the concrete veneer of the building beside him. Skye hit the wall with tremendous force, but was saved by his graphene mask.

"And what is the meaning of this, brother?" Nikolai asked, pleased with the effort. He looked Skye up and down, immediately noticing his chest armour. "Dressed for battle again, are we?"

Skye offered no response. He pushed himself away from the wall and swung his sword like a madman. Nikolai evaded each attack with ease, and resumed walking once again.

Panic filled the street as the citizens began screaming and fleeing in terror. The peaceful promenade had erupted in chaos within a matter of seconds, the second such incident in two days. Ying emerged from inside her shop, her jaw dropping at the bizarre sight in front of her.

"Brandishing that weapon of yours in public is most unwise," Nikolai warned. He turned and snatched the handle from Skye's grasp, and forced the blade to retract back inside.

Skye didn't give up. He threw his body at his enemy, only for Nikolai to appear behind him and grab his arms. Skye was held pinned to the spot, unable to move.

Nikolai turned his head and saw the alarmed owner of the coffeehouse. "Good morning, Ying! I would absolutely love it if you could brew my usual, if you would."

Ying stared back at him, lost for words. She looked into the hostile eyes of Skye as he struggled against Nikolai's powerful grasp.

"Oh, don't worry about him," Nikolai reassured her. He reached up and ripped the mask from Skye's face, then tightened his grip on him.

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