Book 1: Chapter 27

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Daye sat crouched on the beach and traced his fingers along the soft sand, his gaze focussed on the gentle waves in front of him. The sky was bright, and the slow-moving ocean reflected the different shades of pink and orange.

"I admire what you're trying to do," Kai said, "but we can't defy Raien's orders."

"I agree," Hana added. "We want peace too, Daye, and this is how we're going to achieve it."

Daye shut his eyes and listened to the soft sound of the water lapping against the shore. "I can't justify Raien's orders. These people are not the enemy."

"Of course they are," Kai said, tired of having to repeat himself yet again. They'd had the same conversation several times that afternoon after their meeting with Raien. "I don't know what further justification you need, brother. They're going into the city tonight with the intention of killing the president. How can you possibly stand by and not take any action?"

"He's right, Daye," Hana said. "You know as well as we do that our duty is to protect the citizens of the world."

Daye's chest tightened upon hearing the words. He was all too familiar with the Tianzu's doctrine, and certainly needed no reminder of what they stood for—what he stood for.

"I'll go tonight," he said, "but you also know I won't be taking anyone's life."

"Of course," Hana nodded. "We're not asking you to. We just want for you to understand our goal. And to not stop us from doing what's right."

Daye froze. Are they doing what's right for the world, he thought. Or are they doing what's right by Raien?

Kai knelt beside Daye and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know you don't serve Raien, but you should respect his orders."

Daye turned and faced his comrade. "You saw what happened when he issued his last order. He's obviously provoking White Shadow. Don't you feel that his desire to start a war with them is needless?"

Hana shook her head. "Not at all. None of us want a repeat of what happened two decades ago, which is why he ordered for us to take action."

Daye rose to his feet and stared at the glowing horizon. "It makes no sense though, Hana. You say that he wants the Tianzu to take action, but why now? Why would he wait three months? If he truly believed this clan was a threat to society, why would he not give the order then?"

Kai and Hana looked at one another. Despite their loyalty to Raien, it was something they'd often wondered about too. It was odd for Raien to order for them to originally attack White Shadow, only to then retract the command immediately after. What followed was a three-month ceasefire, until Raien reissued the command earlier that day.

"I don't know," Kai eventually admitted. "But we're not in any position to question Raien."

"Don't you question the fact that he said to do so slowly?" Daye asked. "Again, why would he order for you to take your time eliminating the enemy? It makes no sense."

Kai's shoulders tensed. While he would never admit it aloud, it did come across as strange that his leader would issue such a command. Raien's exact words were to ensure that they killed no more than one of their enemies per day.

"I agree," Hana said, almost unable to believe that she was siding with Daye. "It doesn't make any sense. But as Kai said, we're not to question Raien."

Daye bit his lip, knowing the situation was bleak. There was no convincing his fellow clansmen not to intervene tonight. The hierarchy within the Tianzu was firmly in place, meaning they would follow the directives of their leader, regardless of what they believed themselves. The order to resume eliminating White Shadow had been given, and there was nothing he'd be able to do to stop it.

They stopped talking when they heard a shuffling sound. The trio turned and saw a corpse slowly make its way toward them through the sand. They knew better than to continue their conversation while Night's bizarre creation was within earshot.

The corpse stopped before them and stood silently.

"Such a horrific ability," Hana whispered, looking the rotting body up and down.

Kai nodded. "I agree. This is not an ability anyone should possess." He stared into its decayed, lifeless eyes. "Have you no respect for the dead, Night?"

The corpse didn't answer.

Tahlia appeared out of nowhere in front of the group. "Nikolai said to hurry up. It's time for us to leave."

Daye looked back toward the villa a short distance away. In the third-floor window of the suite he saw Nikolai standing tall, watching them all intently. Daye offered a polite smile, which was not returned.

"Let's go," Tahlia beckoned, and began walking away.

The Tianzu obeyed, and starting making their way back to the large compound.

"We need to do what's right," Kai said to Daye. "I respect your reluctance to murder another, but we need to do what's right for the people of Athenia and the Union."

Tahlia turned around. "If you see Marion, please kill her for me."

Hana shook her head. "Don't make the assumption that you're our ally. We won't kill her for you—we'll only kill her for the sake of protecting the world."

Tahlia laughed. "I don't care about the reason," she said. "Just kill her."

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