Book 1: Chapter 35

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Nikolai paced back and forth in his suite impatiently, staring down at the vacant beach below. Every few moments or so he would glare at the time on his wrist comm.

"Where are they?" he asked himself, his voice lacking any genuine worry. "I can sense that they're still in the city. Surely nothing has happened to them; I can sense Skye and the others heading south."

Sabina, Aurelius, and Night all ignored him. They watched on as his paranoia increased.

"What are they up to?" Nikolai asked aloud. "And where's Daye? I can't sense him anywhere. Is he meeting with his Tianzu comrade again?"

"If you're concerned for Tahlia," Night interrupted, "why don't you transport yourself back into the city and ask them what's taking so long?"

Nikolai raised an eyebrow. "I think not, Night. I don't take orders from the likes of you." He stopped pacing and stood in his usual spot by the window. "Besides, I'm not necessarily concerned for Tahlia's well-being. I just don't like to think that she's conspiring against me with the Tianzu."

Night sniggered from his spot on Nikolai's chaise. "Stop complaining."

Nikolai growled as he spun around and looked down at the lazy Night. "I don't understand how many times I need to ask you to stop lying on my chaise! You've completely ruined it now! I can smell it from here." He gritted his teeth as he tried to think of a way to remove Night from the furniture without coming into physical contact with him.

The arrival of Tahlia, Kai, and Hana took the room by surprise. She transported the three of them to the centre of the suite.

"That took far too long!" Nikolai shouted. "I told you to return to base at once!"

"Sorry," Tahlia said. "Marion shot Hana."

Hana showed the scar to him, substantiating the excuse.

Nikolai stared down at the dark mark on her abdomen. "Twice in one day," he said, sounding almost as though he admired the wound Sierra had inflicted. "I daresay that she's becoming a better marksman by the hour. And it serves you right for disobeying me anyway."

"You need to kill her, right now," Kai warned, furious that his wife almost died in front of him. "She's far too dangerous."

"I will be doing nothing of the sort. I have no qualms with the woman," he responded, not appreciating being given orders by his lowly subordinate.

"But she's a threat to this organisation. Isn't that what your credo is—to kill anyone who stands in your way?"

Nikolai beamed. "To an extent, absolutely. But she's not an idealistic warrior. I assume that she merely attacked you out of defence. I'm sure her mind could be just as easily moulded to suit Black Dawn's ideals."

"I agree with Kai," Tahlia said. "She's not going to stop until I'm dead. We can't wait around for her to hunt us all down one by one."

Nikolai let out a short laugh. "Well, wouldn't that be a pity?" he asked sarcastically. "But unfortunately, it doesn't fit in with my plan." He began to pace around the room again. "We're going to wait until Archibald is sworn into office. Once I feel he's safe enough, we'll move on and begin the next stage. How does that sit with you all?"

Hana exchanged a curious glance with her husband. "What next stage?" she asked, probing for information.

"Oh, the next stage is a rather grandiose one. Something tells me that you'll find it to be somewhat enthralling." He glared at them with sinister eye sockets.

"We need to kill that woman," Kai repeated. "We need to kill all of them right now. They're a threat."

Nikolai stood tall, unopposed. "I heard you the first time. And as I advised you a moment ago, I'll be giving no such order tonight. My priority is Archibald's safety."

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