Book 1: Chapter 26

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"If you see anyone that poses a threat, run. Run and hide," Skye instructed. He sat on Roman's bed, trying his best to prepare him for the dangerous night ahead.

"Can't you just drop me off home on the way?" Roman reluctantly asked, despite already knowing the answer.

Skye looked back to Ren, who was standing in the doorway, shaking her head. Neither of them knew what else they could do to comfort the boy. He was trapped in a hopeless situation, and it was almost impossible for him to comprehend everything in such a short time.

"Roman," Ren said after clearing her throat, "tonight we have a mission to attend to, so this couldn't have come at a worse time. I know it's a lot to take in, but you'll have to listen carefully to what I'm about to say." A small part of her pitied him, but her patience was beginning to wear thin, and she didn't have time to console him like a child. She took a deep, dramatic breath, watching as Roman's solemn eyes stared up at her. "This isn't going to end. There is no going home. You can either stay with us and fight for our cause, or you can leave and be killed by Nikolai. It's your choice."

"What she means," Skye corrected, scowling at Ren for expressing herself so freely—despite the fact that he agreed, "is that you don't have to join our cause if you don't want to. But you might not have much choice in siding with us. Nikolai already wants you dead."

Roman let out a loud groan and buried his face in his pillow.

"Just leave him," Ren said. "There's nothing else we can do. You need to get ready."

Skye got up and left the room in silence. He turned right and started ascending the steel staircase, eager to see how Juliet was feeling. As expected, she was sitting up on the balcony alone, watching the sky turn pink as the sun set.

"How are you?" he asked.

She turned around and smiled, but her sullen face revealed her fear.

"Everything will be fine," Skye tried to reassure her. "We'll be fine."

"I hope so," she whispered. Usually a much happier and brighter person, the sudden news of Nikolai's threat had hit her hard. She was no longer safe, and the reality of their dangerous lifestyle had become apparent very quickly.

Skye sat beside her on the cool metal grate. "You know, Nikolai and I used to always discuss how our fears and worries are linked to our overthinking." His attempt at comforting her had little effect, and his words didn't quite sound as profound as the ones Sierra used a short time ago.

"That's easy for you to say, Skye. Nikolai won't kill you. Of course you can be so carefree."

He kept his face hidden as he nodded sheepishly. "I know," he admitted. "You're right—it's easy for me to not worry as much about my life. But Nikolai still can't be trusted for any reason, and he could just as easily turn on me or Ren."

Juliet faced him with a raised eyebrow. "He won't. He's obsessed with the two of you."

Skye sniggered quietly in agreement. "He certainly is. But even if Nikolai treats me as an ally, it doesn't mean I'm always immune, especially against the Tianzu."

She winced at the statement. "You're not helping. If you're killed by the Tianzu, I don't stand a chance against anyone."

Skye bit his lip, running out of ways to reassure the young woman. "Well, the Tianzu have no reason to attack us, so don't worry about them. My point is you shouldn't sit up here worrying that you might be killed. It won't help." He didn't believe his own words. The Tianzu had already launched an unprovoked attack on them months ago, resulting in the death of one of their own. They were as dangerous and sporadic as Nikolai. Probably even more so, he thought.

"But I'm not like you or Sierra. I'm not strong enough to defend myself. If I was, you wouldn't have kept me hidden here for the last few months."

Skye nodded, realising he was unable to console her. None of them could deny that the evening ahead was filled with risk. "You're right; I'm sorry." He rose and began to walk back inside the warehouse. "Just don't dwell on something that might not happen."

"Skye ..." Juliet's quiet voice stopped him. He turned and faced her once again. "I know you're only trying to help me, but it's not your job. There's nothing you can say to help me right now. I just need to sit here alone for a while."

Skye stared at her blankly. Tango had told him that he was trying too hard to be the hero, and it was obvious that Juliet now felt the same way. "I'm just trying to do the best I can to help."

"Thanks. But I'll be fine," she said, smiling up at him. He returned the smile and walked back inside.

Juliet's smile turned into a frown when she sensed an odd feeling of excitement from within Skye. She ignored it, turning her gaze east to the pink horizon. As she tried her best to compose her fear, she hoped that she hadn't taken her beautiful island home for granted.

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