Book 1: Chapter 21

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"I don't know what to do," Adam said as he walked nervously into the security control room of the villa with Karen behind him. They closed the door tightly, away from the prying ears of anyone else nearby. They were alone with Guard One.

"We're in the middle of something big," Karen admitted. "That man, Nicholas Sweeney, is somehow controlling the president. He said that this is his villa, which explains why Archibald suddenly ordered us to relocate here during such a busy week."

"And why didn't he have any eyes?" Adam asked himself, shuddering at the distressing memory of Nikolai.

"Sir and madam," Guard One politely interrupted. "I want to show you this. It was recorded while you were out." His deputy, Guard Two, had reported to him moments ago, informing him of the events at West Tower. One had known Adam for many years and, despite being told that there was now a new chief counsel, wasn't about to deny his own concerns regarding the president's safety. Above all else, his duty was to protect his leader.

He pressed several buttons on the screen and a series of pictures began to come to life on the wall in front of them. Adam and Karen stared at the footage, not sure what to make of it.

"This was taken a short time ago at the main entrance here," One informed them. It showed the double-door entryway at the front of the villa, with four members of the Guard stationed around it.

"Who's that?" Karen asked, frowning with confusion, watching a tall man in a tuxedo and top hat stroll inside proudly, yet awkwardly. He had a staff pass around his neck; none of the Guard bothered to stop him as he walked between them. "That's the man from the parking garage of the tower," she gasped.

"He wasn't wearing a staff pass earlier. Did he check in when he arrived?" Adam asked, equally as confused.

"He didn't, sir. There's more you might wish to see."

Adam and Karen kept their gaze focussed on the projection, baffled by the number of unauthorised people that had somehow managed to infiltrate the government ranks in one day. In the distance, a mysterious figure lurched forward. It was filthy and moved at a very slow pace. Neither of them could make out its face.

"And who is that?" Karen asked.

"What is that," One corrected. "Keep watching."

The footage showed the Guard blocking the front door as they saw the undead creature with no staff pass creep forward. They held their guns at it. It hobbled forward a few more steps before they opened fire, causing it to collapse in a disgusting heap.

Adam and Karen both gasped. "The Guard killed it."

"It's not over yet," One said.

The footage continued, showing the four armed men and women walk over to the corpse and inspect it. Night suddenly emerged from inside the villa and ran over to them, shouting something inaudible at them. The Guard stared at the odd man briefly, then resumed their positions by the front door. Night bent over the deceased and placed his hands on its face. Adam let out a horrified gasp as he watched the body reanimate and stand up on its own.

Night then tried to negotiate with the four soldiers, but they stood firm by the door, not allowing the odd corpse to enter.

"He then goes inside and retrieves a pass for it," One said as he sped up the footage. He pressed another button and the recording played at its original speed, showing Night emerge from the villa several minutes later with a pass. He placed it around the body's neck, and the pair then walked inside without any further hindrance.

Adam and Karen stared at each other, both lost for words. Neither of them could comprehend the strange events that were occurring before their very eyes.

"What's going on?" Karen muttered. She'd worked at Government House for many years but had never been subjected to such extraordinary and alarming events.

"The most recent footage shows the man in the tuxedo escorting the bogey to one of the storage rooms near the president's suite, only moments ago. There are no cameras in the room though, so I can't show you."

Adam clasped his hands, trying to wrap his head around the situation. "Let's go to the storage room. I want to see what this thing is." His eyes could see that it was a rotting carcass, but his mind refused to believe it.

"I can't authorise any of my staff to join you, sir," One explained. "If anyone finds out that I've shown you this, I could be charged with treason."

"I know. Thank you, One. I'll go alone. Which room is it?"

"309. Please be careful, sir. If you're seen ..."

Adam nodded, aware of the consequences he faced. He was temporarily allowed back into the villa to retrieve his possessions and had been ordered to then return to Government House. He only hoped he'd be able to uncover any information about the president's new entourage in the short time.

He thanked the head guard a final time and left the room in silence with Karen. They waited until they were out in the hallway alone before speaking.

"I'm coming with you," Karen whispered.

"No, you should stay. You haven't been dismissed from your position yet."

"I don't care," she protested. "If anything happens to the president, then I've failed at my duties."

She smiled and nodded as they passed another member of government personnel. Once they were out of range again, she continued. "I've taken an oath to serve the president, and I'm just as liable as you are for his well-being. Whether I come with you, or whether I stay here and take no action, I could be charged with treason too."

Adam rubbed the stress and fatigue from his eyes. "Alright," he agreed. "Let's go before we're seen. Sweeney might already be on his way back here." They turned left and moved quickly down the hallway.

"What was that thing?" Karen whispered, thinking back to the disturbing footage.

"I don't know," he admitted, both disgusted and afraid.

"What if it's a weapon?" she asked cautiously.

Adam took a deep breath, just as confused and frightened as his friend. "I don't know," he said again.

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