Book 1: Chapter 25

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"I'm going to say this one final time," Nikolai spoke through gritted teeth. "I don't want any of those things in the villa ever again. If you insist on resurrecting the dead, go and do it in the forest surrounding the bunker. I can't have anyone see them."

"Nikolai, if I may interject ..." Night said, lazing casually on the large chaise in the suite, "you're no fun. You need to lighten up and enjoy yourself. This whole campaign has caused you too much stress."

Nikolai's face twisted unnaturally. "I'm no fun?" he retorted. "You think I'm stressed?"

Night nodded his head, so vigorously that his top hat almost fell off.

Nikolai started laughing as he walked over to the large window overlooking the ocean. "Let me assure you, Night, that I'm a very fun-loving individual. It's the only way one can sanely pass the time over the course of his or her lengthy eternity in this realm. However, I must point out that I do not appreciate having the smell of rotting corpses filling my villa. I'm doing everything I can to stop the public, and the president's staff for that matter, from uncovering the truth of this operation." In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Night, their faces inches away from one another. Nikolai was cautious enough to not make contact with him, aware of what would eventuate from a simple touch. "Do you have any idea how difficult that is!" he roared.

"You see?" Night asked, turning to Tahlia. "He's stressed, isn't he?"

The woman in black suppressed a soft laugh. She averted her gaze and said nothing, not wanting to get involved in the pointless argument.

Nikolai tried to compose himself. "Sometimes I wish I never asked you to join Black Dawn," he muttered.

"You need me," Night said, a large grin on his face.

"And stop lying on my chaise!" Nikolai shouted. "You're going to ruin it."

The door to the suite opened. Sabina and Aurelius quietly entered the room with Archibald in front. Six guards were behind them. While Nikolai preferred having Tahlia transport the old man from place to place, he agreed to Guard Two's request of having her soldiers escort Archibald back to the villa. For the sake of his mission's success, he knew that keeping up appearances was imperative.

"Out!" Nikolai screamed—the Guard instantly retreated back outside. He turned his attention to the new president. "Well, at least your soldiers are obedient. Have you told the rest of your staff of my promotion?"

Archibald shifted his weight nervously. "Nikolai," he stammered, "that's actually your job as chief counsel."

"I don't think so," he dismissed. "I believe I've endured my share of menial chores in recent times. You can send the communique out yourself."

The president let out a long groan. It has been a lifelong dream of his to reach the position he was finally in, but he now began to fear that Nikolai was truly uncertain how the Athenian chain of command worked, and that he'd constantly pester him with incessant orders for the entire five-year term.

"Nikolai," Archie began, trying to conjure enough strength to stand up for himself, "I can't do that. I'll be running an entire country soon. I don't have time to do small tasks like that."

"Then make time," Nikolai said, staring out at the beautiful blue ocean. "Remember, this is my country."

Archie's head fell. He knew that Nikolai would never understand how running a country worked until it was too late. He already regretted making the deal with him in the first place, but was now in over his head. Archie would have no choice but to push on and take solace in the fact that as long as he was president, he was somewhat safe from Nikolai slaughtering him for his past crimes. Nevertheless, the government would have to operate effectively, or else his contracted term could abruptly end.

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