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Hi everyone the authors here. So i would like to thank everybody who participated. But I would especially like to thank DamitaJJackson    and @Elise_Jackson because they were the closest to the correct answer. However....there is only one winner...and that winner is.....DRUM ROLL PLEASE................. Elise_Jackson . She got the correct answer which was........... Lol sorry I love you all not telling. However you will find out later in this story so......without anything further i present to you....chapter 8.


Well this is certainly a date  I did not imagine having. I don't think Annie imagined it either. Well all i know is....that if im gonna die.......I believe the time would be now. We're all just standing here looking at eachother. Of course MJ is looking cocky as ever but is if course giving me the evil eye. Mike is confused as ever trying to ponder what the hell is going on. Annie is in LALA LAND, loopy and confused as ever and im just standing here wondering when my funeral is gonna start. None of us say a word but then mike turn towards me.

"....who are you"

I sigh and take a deep breath.

" I'm kristel" i close my eyes and concentrate and turn back into me.

"and im a shape shifter" I look at him and he has confusion written all over his face.

"A shape shifter is someone who can transform into anything or anyone. As you see i can transform into Annie. I can also transform into you" i say as i transform into him and as i do his eyes get wide so i transform back.

"im a transforming ghost" There's silence and more akward stares but then mike speaks again.

"so your name is kristel and your a transforming ghost that was......I'm guessing set up by someone to form into Annie and have her go on a date with MJ while you went on a date with me. And if You didn't......let me guess the person would do bad things to You."

Shocked on how he figured that out i nod my head.

"Soo....hehe if we're done here im just gonna take my lady and go." Mj says putting his arm around annie  however mike puts his arm out and MJ starts flying in the air and is dropped roughly on the ground. I gasp and look at mike to see his eyes flashing red to a white ghostly color ( like in the ghost short film) Still with mikes hand out and MJ still in the ground mike starts flying in the air. The wind starts picking up forcefully, blowing my hair back. I run to annie and I think she realizes what's going in because she snaps out of her daze and looks up astonished.


"lets just say....GIRL YOU HAVE TO GHOST BOYS FIGHTING OVER YOU." I yell over the powerful wind.


"Well......I think.....AFTER THIS IS OVER.... MY STORY IS GONNA BE ENDING.....AND IT WON'T BE A HAPPY ENDING EITHER" I yell as me and annie hold onto eachother looking up at the frightening scene.


I levitate in the air, with harsh winds around me. My brother has crossed the line. He probably was the one who threatened kristel too. THAT'S IT HE'S DEAD. I do a quick spin on the ground and transform into this monster cause when im mad. ( like in the short film when he transforms into a transforms into a monster to scare the mayor) I walk up to my brother, grab him by his shirt and lift him in the air.

" have ruined my life for THE LAST TIME"

I throw him into the air and have him fall back down on the ground. I then grab him again and lift him up.

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