Chapter 6

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Ok everybody it's the Moment you all been waiting for. I would like to thank everyone for being super patient. I would especially like to thank @Shelbystylescox @Kae5899 @100kitty and @Nathaly914. This story is made up with there amazing ideas. So i would like to say thank you to all of them. Ok now presenting chapter 6.

Oh and ps. This chapter will have strong language and a perv scene. I warned you.


I look at my brother with pure rage on my face. 1: because he always interrupts me during stuff. And 2: Because NOW HE GOES AFTER WHAT'S MINE!!!!. He always does that and im getting SUPER DAMN ANGRY ABOUT IT TOO.

"oh hello brother what are you doing here."

"OH SHUT UP get out of here I'm busy why do you always barge in unannounced you did that when we were kids and it's annoying the hell out of me. Why are you here anyway."

"to check up on my girlfriend."

I poof off of annie and pop back up in front of my brother and push him against the door holding his throat.

"First she's not your girlfriend you guys had one date and there for hell sure will not be another one. Two she's mine so back off, you may be my brother but I will snap you like a twig and make you vanish from this earth were there will be no trace of your body or body parts and no one will know who did it. So take my advice if you know what's good for you."

I let go of his throat and watch him fall on the floor holding his throat. He looks up at me and wickedly laughs.

"oh brother you think you will have her when we all know that in the end im the won going to have her......and I know just how to do it." He say smirking.

I walk up to him just ready to choke the life out of him.

"brother im warning you touch her and you will be finding yourself in a place were there is fire and you will burn to a crisp and you know where im talking about so you better just go now before family members and other people start asking questions on where you are."

I say with my eyes probably red cause my eyes turn red when im mad and serious.


I turn around and see annie awake and looking very confused and frightened.

"well isn't this just splendid"

I turn towards my brother and flash my eyes red to let him know that now is not the time for jokes. I look at annie and see her still scared and confused.


Guess it's time for me to make my move. I walk over to the bed and sit on it. She doesn't move.....aww she's frozen in fear... That's just how I like them, vulnerable and scared. I touch her hand and she flinches. She looks at me and mike then.back at me. Ok now it's time for me to play my act.

"Annie are you ok.... Can you hear me, blink if you can hear me."

She blinks and just continues to keep staring at us. she then looks at me again and burst out crying. UGH great now i have to comfort her. Soon I  roughly pulled back by mike while he sits on her bed trying to comfort her.

"it's ok you can trust me" he reaches out his hand to her but she flees to the end of the bed in a fetal position.

"it's ok I wont hurt you."

"yes you will... It's ok come with me you can trust me."

"shut up mj...don't listen to him listen to me come to me"

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